my registration account

Recently purchasedd online home CC software, but everything went fast idid get the downlooad but no PIN number to fill in ,,i tried searchinng for a direect client service but found none,,pleaase assist an old fart, yourrs Glennn Rross

Either email Piriform at


or contact via

I had this problem before...

There are two methods you can get your purchase info from it..

First one is from the Piriform support.. which you can access from here :

you can use the same email and password that you use to register your product. then just make a request regarding your issue, and they'll be happy to assist you.

another method is to look up and get all orders that you've made using CleverBridge.. "Piriform uses their payment gateway".

and that by using this link :

Just put your email "the one that you've used while purchasing the CCleaner" then click next.

After a few seconds, you'll receive an email with your all purchases that you've made registered with your email..

and you'll find what you're looking for.

I hope that will help. :rolleyes: