Wow, I'm getting a pretty good upgrade...
Pretty much it. I have my CPU though. An AMD Athlon Xp 2000+
All only $187
Wow, I'm getting a pretty good upgrade...
Pretty much it. I have my CPU though. An AMD Athlon Xp 2000+
All only $187
I haven't checked individual components in a very, very, very long time and didn't have the foggiest ideal that prices were that good. Your post now has me contemplating gutting my old Win98 system to do so upgrading, along with the OS of course.
Hope you enjoy your new system!
O.. I will. I changed the case cause the Motherboard would not have fit so... yeah. But that 1GB RAM stick is a good buy. Only 79.99 + shipping.
Yeah, My system will hopefully be good as my Brothers in Performance that is. His graphics card will be far better then mine. Mine is a ASUS ATI 9200SE 128 4/8xAGP 64-BIT. His is a ATI 9800Pro 256MB 8xAGP 256-BIt.
The CPU and new RAM and motherboard should be able to run CSS and others such as Farcry at least on good mid to high settings.
The reason my Sig. says only now 256MB cause I shocked out my two RAM slots on my current motherboard. I was PO!
256MB is not that bad but it sucks having to wait for 50 processes to start-up.
That RAM is a pretty bad price, SD, 2700? I didn't know the prices were that high... at least where I live, "Silicon Valley" you can get a 1GB stick of PC3200 for $60...
Everything seems ok, 2000+ is decent, mid-range... but I'm not entirely sure that a 300W PSU will be the best option, especially if you're planning on playing games of any type.
Nice computer. Here's my latest:2 gb ram, 3 ghz intel p4, 200 gb hd, asi radeon x300, abit fatality aa8xe motherboard, neon 10 fans. About $700 when I add in all the drives (flash) that I fried with bad wiring!
Nice one there....
Can't wait to buy the parts for mine and set it up.
But will the Motherboard that I'm buying speed up the CPU to 2.0GHZ? My Motherboard right now can only read it as 1.67GHZ which is the Max spped for the board. Plus+ If I'm wrong on the RAM I'm buying for the board plz... tell me. I don't want to mess it up or... shock any of the RAM slots. But I should be good. I think I chose the right ones.
I don't know how many of you would want a computer like this, but it's different !!
Don't know, it is always best to check with the manufacturer. I like the whiskey bottle idea. Tried it last night, but can't find the bottle this morning. I'm really going to have to work at this. Getting the bottle empty is the hard part.
Why upgrade motherboard and case?
Because it't there, and he wants to.
...If I'm wrong on the RAM I'm buying for the board plz... tell me. I don't want to mess it up or... shock any of the RAM slots. But I should be good. I think I chose the right ones.
Your RAM will work fine in that board. Both are 184-pin DDR1 and you aren't exceeding the amount that the mobo supports. You're good to go.
Love the whiskey bottle mod, hazelnut!
Lol, thx. I should be good. This upgrade is happening on my BD! I'll be 19!
I'm buying all the parts on Friday of the next week and should arrive on Monday of the following next week.
I've changed some stuff around again and should round up too being $196 and the case and Board and a mirco. I'll re-post the links to my new added or... replaced parts. Till... then.
"The only thing that is staying is my Graphics card which I believe with the case it should "Not" heat up and restart my computer"
Post a pic or two when you finish for us to see?
I don't know how many of you would want a computer like this, but it's different !!
Talk about easy to break. I think only a smeghead would use such as PC.
Ok, I will. But in the time of waiting here are the links....Post a pic or two when you finish for us to see?
And... here is my Computer right... now...
Question: what if I kept my current RAM which is [PC2100] and put in into my new Motherboard and instead of new RAM how about a new Graphics card? Will the RAM mess with the card and slow it down? or... would the Motherboard work things out? The reason I ask is that I'm really wrondering if RAM would be better or... a new card. My current card is a ASUS ATI 9200SE 64-BIT 128MB! Not that good though. Will the 8x AGP do any good?
I play Fable on my computer and I get lag when casting spells and fighting in combat. I'm wondering if I just need a new card and not RAM as my MoBo can run on [PC2100]. I'll be having 512MB anyways. I think a new card is in order. I'll be spending like... $120 on a new one.
Nice system, and I like that whiskey bottle!
Nice system, and I like that whiskey bottle!
It probably would come with a warning tag:
Please refrain from drinking your system. You risk drunkenness & electrocution.