my laptop/OS might have reset itself?

I have Win7 on my laptop. I was low on power and closed the lid, not officially shutting it down. When I plugged it in and started it back up, I logged in and it displayed the message "Configuring your desktop" for about 2 minutes, and then my background was gone, there was a windows about having recently installed Windows Live, although I dont see anything in the update history about it. All my documents are gone, everything. It's as if i never used it before. The event viewer has one Critical error, the source being Kernel Power. Any ideas what happened?

What is the event id number of the error in the event viewer?

If you double-click on the event you should get a little bit more info and the option to copy it to the clipboard.

What AV are you using?

Are you able to boot with a Linux disc and retrieve your documents or did you have things backed up using the backup and restore feature?

Seems you may not be alone although you have lost more.

Did you try logging off, wait a little bit, and then log back in? It's possible you went into a Temporary Profile. I did have a corrupted profile about 3 weeks ago. Was able to make a new one and move my files over - just a large inconvenience more than anything.