I have been meaning to post this question for ages. I have asked it on two other sites and no-one knows the answer. Before using Crap Cleaner every website in 'My Favourites' had a individual icon. All these have disappeared and been replaced with a larg blue letter E. How can I get back all the individual icons? It used to be easy to glance down the list and select the URL that I wanted, now they all look the same, and I have to read them. I always keep up to date with the latest version of CC.
This is a frequently asked question and should be added to the F.A.Q.
The favicons are stored in the cache, so when you clean the cache, the favicons go as well. Revisiting a site brings them back.
This is a frequently asked question and should be added to the F.A.Q.
The favicons are stored in the cache, so when you clean the cache, the favicons go as well. Revisiting a site brings them back.
BUT they never stay. You can see what I mean on my screenshot above.
Go to www.snapfiles.com and download amdeadlink. It will save and restore favicons.
While you are connected to a site or before you clear Temporary Internet Files, go to Temporary Internet Files and copy the icon files to a folder on your computer. You may want to rename each (they usually default to favicon[1].ico).
Then go to your Favorites shortcut > Properties > Change Icon and select the saved icon.
You can also use icons already stored with applications, e.g., you can use the icon in CCleaner.exe for the shortcut to this forum. You can use a library of icons to customize any of your shortcuts ... Favorites, Start Menu, Desktop.
Go to www.snapfiles.com and download amdeadlink. It will save and restore favicons.
I could not find amdeadlink, and a search could not find it.
While you are connected to a site or before you clear Temporary Internet Files, go to Temporary Internet Files and copy the icon files to a folder on your computer. You may want to rename each (they usually default to favicon[1].ico).
Then go to your Favorites shortcut > Properties > Change Icon and select the saved icon.
You can also use icons already stored with applications, e.g., you can use the icon in CCleaner.exe for the shortcut to this forum. You can use a library of icons to customize any of your shortcuts ... Favorites, Start Menu, Desktop.
I can't quite follow this one, maybe I'm thick. I have printed the instruction, but cannot see any files, and cannot see Favourites shortcut/Properties/Change icon.
In Windows Explorer > Tools > Options > Folder Options > View > Files and Folders, enable Show hidden files and folders.
You should now be able to see C:\Documents and Settings\[uSERNAME]\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files. I recommend using the Details view. There may be a lot of files in the folder but if you sort by Name (Favicon.ico) or by Type (Icon), you can locate the icons quickly. If you've previously lost your icons, you may need to add the Favorites again to reload the icons. Copy the icons to a folder which won?t be cleaned, e.g., My Pictures > Icons. I would rename each, e.g., CCleaner.ico
Then right-click a Favorite shortcut (in the Favorite folder or in the IE dropdown) and click Properties. In Properties, on the Web Document tab, click Change Icon. On the Change Icon panel, click Browse and navigate to the saved icon. Select it and click OK.
You could just do the last step for any Favorite where the icon is already available, e.g., since the CCleaner icon is embedded in CCleaner.exe, if you navigate to C:\Program Files\CCleaner\cleaner.exe, it would be available there for use with a CCleaner Forum shortcut.
I've never tried amdeadlink but this method allows you to customize any shortcut, e.g., Desktop folders, Start Menu program folders (use the Properties > Customize tab or the Properties > Shortcut tab depending on type).
In Windows Explorer > Tools > Options > Folder Options > View > Files and Folders, enable Show hidden files and folders.
You should now be able to see C:\Documents and Settings\[uSERNAME]\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files. I recommend using the Details view. There may be a lot of files in the folder but if you sort by Name (Favicon.ico) or by Type (Icon), you can locate the icons quickly. If you've previously lost your icons, you may need to add the Favorites again to reload the icons. Copy the icons to a folder which won?t be cleaned, e.g., My Pictures > Icons. I would rename each, e.g., CCleaner.ico
Then right-click a Favorite shortcut (in the Favorite folder or in the IE dropdown) and click Properties. In Properties, on the Web Document tab, click Change Icon. On the Change Icon panel, click Browse and navigate to the saved icon. Select it and click OK.
You could just do the last step for any Favorite where the icon is already available, e.g., since the CCleaner icon is embedded in CCleaner.exe, if you navigate to C:\Program Files\CCleaner\cleaner.exe, it would be available there for use with a CCleaner Forum shortcut.
I've never tried amdeadlink but this method allows you to customize any shortcut, e.g., Desktop folders, Start Menu program folders (use the Properties > Customize tab or the Properties > Shortcut tab depending on type).
I'll print this and give it a try thanks.
Try This Program called Favorg. Very handy for saving and organizing your favorite icons: