My Documents variable

Hi, guys

I'm making a custom INI file for me & a few friends but I can't seam to find what or even if there is a system variable for the "my documents" folder.

I have it as %MYDOCUMENTS% but it does not look to be working.

Thanks for any help on this.

Not sure that there is.

%USERPROFILE% will get you as far as C:\Documents and Settings\<profile name> ... you can add the rest.


"%userprofile%\My Documents"

You can even test this via Start->Run and clicking OK.

Or shell:Personal .


"%userprofile%\My Documents"

Erm, I thought that's what I said, implicitly ;)

... provided, you haven't moved your documents folder somewhere else (as I have). In that case there is a registry entry but no predefined environment variable (afaik). You have to define one manually (in the windows env. variables).



"%userprofile%\My Documents"

This doesn't work on my French Win7.

shell:Personal is better ;)

A little offtopic : Complete list of shell: shortcuts

... provided, you haven't moved your documents folder somewhere else (as I have). In that case there is a registry entry but no predefined environment variable (afaik). You have to define one manually (in the windows env. variables).

That's very true. Mine is on my D partition on my desktop PC (since it's ..... data)!

I don't know too many other people that have moved theirs around though ;)

I didn't even know about variables like "shell:Personal", so that's learning something new and useful.

Even if someone moves those special folders they can configure the system variables to the correct path. Even some freeware tweaking tools allow this process to be super easy to change so cleaning tools like CCleaner, etc., know exactly where to look. Of course this also allows fixing the paths since some horribly written software at uninstall can break some system variables.

For Windows XP Microsoft's own Tweak UI can be used for this in its 'My Computer->Special Folders' area.

For other Windows builds including XP the freeware TweakNow WinSecret makes it very easy to do via its 'Windows Secrets->Special Folders' area.