My computer says its connected to the internet but no internet access?

I recently installed windows XP Pro to make my computer faster. Now when i try to connect to my wireless internet it says connected but i can't get on the internet? It used to say limited or no connectivity but i checked the box that says "notify me when it has limited or no connectivity". Now it says connect, but no internet? I've tried ipconfig stuff, the DCH enabing thing and still nothing? Please Help?

What make and model is your router and wireless adapter??

Does Windows take ages with assigning an IP address??

When you run ipconfig /all what is your gateway IP address and assigned IP address??

Does your router have mac address filtering enabled??

If you enter http://(gateway IP address) i.e. into a web browser do you get a login prompt??

Richard S.

The router is a northstate. And i dont see an IP address now because my brother tried to fix it himself and i guess he had no luck. When i click my wireless network icon in the bottom left corner of my desktop and go to support it is blank in the connection status. when i run ipconfig/all both the gateway and assigned IP address are the same. And yes when i enter the gateway IP address into a web browser i get a login prompt.

Have you tried a manual release and renewal of your IP?

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

Yes but it still doesn't work. It used to work perfectly before i installed Windows XP Pro. I also scanned my computer for viruses but it didn't find any. I don't know what else to do??

Since you had a login page using the gateway IP address it's highly likely the wireless router has correctly assigned an internal IP address.

If you've recently added your router to the cable modem you much cold reboot your cable modem (i.e. turn off, wait 10secs, turn on).

Richard S.

I did that just now too and no luck. When i click the wireless icon in the bottom left corner of my desktop and go to support, in the connection status box, the address type, IP address, Subnet Mask, and default gateway are all blank, even when i click details it is all blank. Isn't it supposed to have the IP address in it?

I think you really need to make a free telephone call to your ISP who then could walk you right through the proper configuration of your connection.

Do you have anymore suggestions before i call? Like install anything and see if it works?

The only thing you could perhaps try is little usb wireless dongle as a test, you know something like this

I use one on a pc upstairs to wirelessly connect to my router downstairs as the card in the pc stopped working properly. Said I was connected but I couldn't use the internet. Works great.

If you do manage to buy or borrow something like this don't forget to go into network connections and disable the connection which isn't working right.

Other than that ask your ISP for help.

faulty router perhaps??

Richard S.

Do you have control over the router ?

You may need a wired connection to firstly ensure full Internet access to the P.C.,

and then to authorise your router to recognise your wireless signal as its master's voice and not your neighbour getting Internet For Free.

If your router was configured for use with Windows 95 and WEP security,

it may be unwilling to accept commands from XP Professional using WAP2.

i cant find my wireless icon, it used to be in the bottom left corner where the time is but its not there anymore? How do i get it back?

If you disabled the wireless adapter it wont show up

Plug your computer directly into the router with a cable. Plug it into one of the Ethernet ports and not the WAN port and reboot. Do you have an IP address?

I plugged it directly into the router with the ethernet cable but it still doesn't show the wireless icon it only shows like the two computer together icon. How do i know which one is the ethernet port and which one is the WAN port? How do i enable my wireless adapter?

Forget the wireless side of your computer the most important thing is to make sure that your router is communicating correctly with your cable / dsl modem.

As Tr3bg0D had instructed when you connect you router to your computer using the LAN cable do you get internet access or an assigned IP address??

If no then restart your cable modem by turning off, waiting 10 seconds and turning back on, waiting for flashing lights to settle down.

Still no IP address?? (check and make sure LAN and Internet are not swapped at the router side)

Open the following link into your web browser or do you get a login prompt??

If you're asked to login try username: (blank) and password: admin, if that fails then try username: admin password: admin

Once you have established a working internet connecting using LAN then we can continue to solving the wireless part of your problem.

Richard S. redhawk says, we need to make sure you are ok from the router before we work on wireless. If you do not get an IP address, report back before doing this step:

Open the following link into your web browser or do you get a login prompt??

With no IP address, you will not be able to perform that step. If you do get an IP Address, then I can guess where your problem is. But we need you to report back first.

when i connect the cable to my laptop from my desktop computer, the internet on my laptop works fine. And yes i get an assigned IP address. When i type in i get a login prompt. And i don't know which username it is talking about, is it for logging in to your wireless network? And another thing happened, the wifi light on my laptop shut off, it used to be on before, and my wireless icon is gone?

The login page is for accessing the router's setup page if you haven't configured your router yet I very much doubt wifi is enabled by default.

It's important to login to your router to make sure it has a unique name (ssid) and that you have encryption enabled i.e. WPA or WPA2 to prevent unauthorised access.

As for your laptop you've disabled your wifi, to enable you need to check your laptop manual but it would probably involve a sliding side switch or a certain keyboard combination i.e. funct + wifi.

One other thing your XP must have at least SP2 installed if it predates this service pack you may find wireless access extremely flaky or non-existent (Start, Run "winver.exe" to find out).

Richard S.