My computer is slow after using Recuva

After using recuva my computer became very very slow. It takes five times longer to open chrome, but video games run fine though. I restored my files from the same disk they were deleted from.The recovered files were saved in a different parition then the parition they were recovered from. The program did warn me before doing this though.

Recovering files would not slow your pc down, unless of course you filled the hard drive to the brim by recovering too much

The recovered files were saved in ... then the parition they were recovered from.

That action might have corrupted Chrome installation and/or its user profile,

especially if Chrome or one of its processes was still running.

Perhaps you need to uninstall and then reinstall all applications that have been corrupted.

No normal data recovery utility has the ability to restore Windows system files successfully,

some of these files not only need to exist but they also need registration.

Even third party applications have special files that need registration.

Alan the OP never mentions chrome, where do you see that they have that program.

After using recuva my computer became very very slow. It takes five times longer to open chrome,

Good catch I stand corrected (missed it all 4 times I read it)