I am a avid movie buff, as such I download P2P (Torrent) files. Unfortunately, this takes a lot of time and multiple accesses for each file. Resulting in massive fragmentation, and slowing of processing. I know one can schedule DF to schedule a session once a day for a specific drive, but is it possible to force DF to analyze/defrag in multiple session mode - one time after another? Analyze/defrag - complete, then repeat, for that drive.
What happens while downloading P2P files is multiple access causes fragmentation, DF takes care of the fragmentation for that session, but the fragmentation (download) is still adding fragmentation, resulting in, if I may use the analogy, erasing with one hand and writing with the other. Presently, I am running DF on the download drive while at the same time downloading. I know this isn't a good idea due to file transfer, but it does work. This requires manual access to DF to restart another session. What I am looking for is a way to have DF, defrag multiple times consecutively (automatically), because each time DF is run the amount of fragmentation decreases, AND the faster the process works.
Another thought, would be the ability to schedule DF to run on different drives on the same computer (i.e. C then D, then E as one session), then one could also schedule for auto shutdown on completion. Imagine, defraging all drives in one session!
I am a avid movie buff, as such I download P2P (Torrent) files. Unfortunately, this takes a lot of time and multiple accesses for each file. Resulting in massive fragmentation, and slowing of processing. I know one can schedule DF to schedule a session once a day for a specific drive, but is it possible to force DF to analyze/defrag in multiple session mode - one time after another? Analyze/defrag - complete, then repeat, for that drive.
What happens while downloading P2P files is multiple access causes fragmentation, DF takes care of the fragmentation for that session, but the fragmentation (download) is still adding fragmentation, resulting in, if I may use the analogy, erasing with one hand and writing with the other. Presently, I am running DF on the download drive while at the same time downloading. I know this isn't a good idea due to file transfer, but it does work. This requires manual access to DF to restart another session. What I am looking for is a way to have DF, defrag multiple times consecutively (automatically), because each time DF is run the amount of fragmentation decreases, AND the faster the process works.
Another thought, would be the ability to schedule DF to run on different drives on the same computer (i.e. C then D, then E as one session), then one could also schedule for auto shutdown on completion. Imagine, defraging all drives in one session!
Thanks for your help!
You can select multiple drives in the latest versions of Defraggler.
- To select all drives, select the first drive, then hold down Shift Key, then select the last drive.
- To select individual drives, hold down CTRL while clicking drives with your mouse.
- To select all, but deselect a drive in the list, select the first drive, hold Shift Key down, then select the last drive. Let go of Shift Key, then hold down CTRL & unselect a drive.
Defraggler will work on the drives, but one at a time, not all at a time.
I agree that it is confusing to not have a stronger visual cue of what is happening. No checkmark boxes on the drives you select.
I myself would love to see checkmark boxes.
There is also no way to set defraggler to run multiple times, nor automatically run (it will load, but you have to click run.)
CCleaner can be set to auto-run on reboot, however.