Much Obliged, with thanks, sorry to ask such a dumb question

Hi I was just wondering when CCleaner gets rid of all that stuff--I think I recently posted elesewhere that as a first time suer it eliminated over 400MB of stuff--I was just wondering where it goes, and if it is totally removed from my system so my 70% free 50 GB hard drive has that much more room on it for absolutely no actual reason I can think of. Or do I need to delete the backup CCleaner makes? I can't remember.

As for the regsitry cleaner, OK, so some people think it's silly to obsess with, as someone remarked, sweeping out a single parking space in a partking lot the size of Montana, but still, I was just wondering why all the different registry cleaners, and I have tried four or five including the one bundled into CCleaner, why O why do they always seem to find different stuff?

Anyway, I'll be donating in the next couple of paychecks and think people who code this stuff knowing som other people might be too poor to donate, are soooo rock-n-roll

When CC deletes something then it goes for good. Well, it's still on the disk somewhere but for all intents and purposes it's gone and you get the use of the free space immediately.

I guess that different registry cleaners just look at and 'judge' things according to different criteria. CC's has a reputation for playing it safe, others may be more risky.