It would be great, to have MSI-Installer-Files for all Piriform-products, especially CCleaner and Defraggler. I use these wonderful programs all over my network with > 50 computers, but it's annoying to install them and also upgrade them manually.
The first rollout I did with PSEXEC, but the problem was, that I must give PSEXEC an admin-account. So the Piriform-products were installed with the admin-account and Icons in the Programs-Folder were missing for the user, because they are installed in the %USERPROFILE%-Folder, but not in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%-Folder. Also, the standard-language was english, not german, like all our Windows-Systems.
So it would be greate to have an MSI-Version of all products.
I'd suggest if you know how to make an MSI installer instead of waiting for your request to happen that you grab the portable versions and make your very own unique installers to work for your particular situation. Doing so could save you tons of time dealing with 50 computers, which sounds like a full time job itself just to keep those updated.