MS Live Mail 2012 will not install on Windows 7?

hi fans,

i want install live mail 2012 on windows 7, but it will not... no error message, nothing

i try out the offline and webinstaller.

after ms integrated drivecleanup i could take live mail 2011.

does anyone have an idea, whats the problem?

Are you installing Windows Live Essentials 2012 and selecting ''choose the programs you want to install'' when installing?

That way you just need to select Windows Live mail and not the other programs in the installer.

this option didnt come...only the "want to run this file" security message came from w7. and than the big nothing

I have Windows Live Mail 2012 installed on 2 Win7 PCs.

Start by going here -->

Six Windows Live programs are listed on that page, with Windows Live Mail being one of the selections.

Click the "Download now" button to download the wlsetup-web.exe setup file and then run it.

You will be asked which of the 6 programs you want to install.

i have downloaded the webinstaller from live 2012 in german language.

there are the install-security message

and than


Are you installing it on the E drive?

i have also downloaded the webinstaller from the mainpage but with the same effect.

next i have try it to install with "recommended options" ...there comes nothing...

Are you installing it on the E drive?

no, only downloaded the webinstaller on this place...

Have you tried moving the installer from the E drive to the C drive (desktop) and then right-clicking on it and selecting run as admin?

What browser are you downloading it with?

i try it...

nothing-not even an error message

downloaded with ie11 and ff 34.0.5

i have also the offline paket-it doesnt work too. (with adminrights, with compatibilitymode-xp or 7 and without it)

Have you previously had an earlier version Windows Live Essntials installed?

Is your date and time right?

Have a look in Windows Event Viewer and see if there are any error messages showing about the same time as you tried to install.

i could install live essentials 2011... (how ms said, its for vista)

but i would have like to use the 2012 :-) (this is for 7 and 8)

Did you ever have Win Live Essentials 2011 installed on the machine?

Have you previously had an earlier version Windows Live Essntials installed?

Is your date and time right?

Have a look in Windows Event Viewer and see if there are any error messages showing about the same time as you tried to install.

i have windows 7 new complete new installed without any version of live essentials.

date and time is ok

Fehlerbucket 193968797, type 17

Event Name: APPCRASH

Answer: Not available

CAB File ID: 0

Problem signature:

P1: wlsetup-web.exe

P2: 16.4.3528.331

P3: 533a4021

P4: wlsetup-web.exe

P5: 16.4.3528.331

P6: 533a4021

P7: c000001d

P8: 0006fe5f



Attached Files:

C: \ Users \ heroine \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ WER5186.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml

Did you ever have Win Live Essentials 2011 installed on the machine?

no, but on other pc with vista

i have read the requirements... i mean with my hardware on this pc it will not work... :-(

Windows Essentials 2012 requires the following:

  • Operating system: 32- or 64-bit version of Windows 7, or 32- or 64-bit version of Windows 8, or Windows Server 2008 R2.

  • Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 support. SSE2 is supported on Pentium 4 processors or newer, and AMD K8 processors or newer.

  • Memory: 1 GB of RAM or higher

  • Resolution: 1024 × 576 minimum

  • Internet connection: Online services require dial-up or high-speed Internet access (provided separately—local or long-distance charges might apply). High-speed Internet access is recommended for some features.

  • Graphics card: Windows Movie Maker requires a graphics card that supports DirectX 9.0c or higher and Shader Model 2 or higher. For DirectX 9 hardware on Windows 7

i mean the problem is perhaps the last point... it doesnt work with dx 9.0c and there is no really driver for w7.

NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500

Manufacturer    NVIDIA

Model    GeForce FX 5500

GPU    NV34

DirectX Support    9.0

DirectX Shader Model    2.0

OpenGL Support    2.0

Driver version

Memory 256 MB

but i will only the email-client from 2012, not the movie maker... is there another way to install only LiveMail 2012?

Have you tried letting Windows Updates install it instead ? (optional updates)

You will be asked during the install what bits you want to install.

1) i have all optional updates installed (excluding net framework 4.2.x)

I dont have the "extended update-search" for optional hardware and software, only the standard update-service for windows

no driver for my graphic card

2) this message dont come...not selection menu :-(

i have read the crash report-the graphic driver is not compatible with w7 and for my geforce fx 5500 give it no certified driver. i use an xp driver (forceware 81.98) for directx-features and it works good :-) but its not good for this MOVIE MAKER THING CHECK

probably therefore the whole package of live essentials 2012 dont work... :wacko: