Hope this is right place.
Just run CCcleaner. no problems just cookies . Hoped it would get rid of........
I was hoping it would get rid of this pesky wizard that wants to send my Emails, when I have resized either by My pictures, or Picasa [photo organiser by google. These worked last time I used them but that was June last year.
All I've done since then is upgrade Picasa and install open office.
My problem I dont know when this started as have not used for 10 months.
I have googled every question I can think off;either to simple ot to tech.
My Email is OE 6 which works Ok, and I can add a fullsize photo by attachment and docs;if I resize photos in picasa and make new file I can add multiple photos..SCream.
Its when I resize as above; its as if link added,but not by me.
I do not have MS office.
Anyone who can think of a way to get rid; I would worship from afar!
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in hopful anticipation