Moving CCleaner to new computer

Hi there,

Can anyone help in pointing to where CCleaner keeps the cookie delete list?

I'm moving to a new computer and want to retain the list


Open regedit and navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner then "Export" to a .reg file

Copy the reg file to new PC and double click in Windows Explorer to import settings.

Richard S.

Can anyone help in pointing to where CCleaner keeps the cookie delete list?

I'm moving to a new computer and want to retain the list

Well the easiest way is to open CCleaner and click on Options\Advanced and if you don't have the Save all settings to INI file ticked then tick it.

Close CC and goto the CCleaner folder and copy the ccleaner.ini file to another medium. Install CC on your other computer and remove the tick from Run CCleaner after its installed and finish. Then copy the ccleaner.ini of the medium to the new CCleaner folder. All the original Settings, Cookies will be saved. ;)

Thanks, this works well!

(I actually also found it in an earlier post

but i hope this topic name will help others find it faster

Thanks again!

Well the easiest way is to open CCleaner and click on Options\Advanced and if you don't have the Save all settings to INI file ticked then tick it.

Close CC and goto the CCleaner folder and copy the ccleaner.ini file to another medium. Install CC on your other computer and remove the tick from Run CCleaner after its installed and finish. Then copy the ccleaner.ini of the medium to the new CCleaner folder. All the original Settings, Cookies will be saved. ;)

Thats ok Boazel I know the search facility on here isn't that good but you got there in the end. ;)

Open regedit and navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner then "Export" to a .reg file

Copy the reg file to new PC and double click in Windows Explorer to import settings.

Richard S.

This may be O.K. for people who are happy to risk the computer with an accidental whoopsy using Regedit.

I do question its suitability if moving from one computer to another.

i.e. is the registry key the same for Windows 98 through to Windows 7 ?

I far prefer the use of the *.INI file
