Movies. TV Shows.

Any movies you would like to suggest? Any movies that blew your mind? Do tell me(us) :)

- Dark Knight

- Dead Poet's Society

- The Usual Suspects

- Iron Man 2

- The Notebook

- A Walk To Remember

- Paranormal Activity

- Godfather

- Blood Diamond

- How To Train Your Dragon

- Shrek

- Kick Ass

- 12 Angry Men

- Ice Age


Oh yeah, for those who like paranormal, supernatural stuff - The TV Show - Supernatural is great!

I want to start with Entourage and How I Met Your Mother, though! :)

Shallow Grave


Ghost in the Shell

Akira Kurosawa's (no releatio to Akira Above)Dreams


Lord of the Rings

The Commitments

Fantasia (the sorcerer's apprentice bit)

My absolutely favorite movie of all times: Tampopo - I watch it about two or three times a year. I find every time some details that I never noticed before.

If you love food, you love this movie!

P.S. If you love Mahler, you love this movie!

Not necessarily in order of preference: Movies

Guilty by Suspicion


Millers Crossing

The Man Who Wasn't There

The Road to Perdition

Nothing but The Truth

American Gangster

Max Payne

The Day of The Jackal (1973 original)

The Reader (will make you think)

The Boy in Stripped Pyjamas (makes you think twice as much)

The Bank Job

Public Enemies

Now TV series:

Mad Men


John Adams


Spartacus Blood & Sand

The Sopranos

Old time favorite actors:

I think Blood Diamond has a good story that was based from reality.

About recent films, I would suggest:

Shutter Island which is another DiCaprio film which is creepy and psychological.

Clash of the Titans which is about the adventures of Perseus.

and maybe Iron Man 2 because its popular although, I have never seen it.

I think it's kinda weird that you would want to promote a top rated movie. Movies don't matter much in the scheme of life. Movies about the scheme of life are kinda cool but aren't often.

Ronin - The car chases are great

Stripes - Now a good classic

I think it's kinda weird that you would want to promote a top rated movie. Movies don't matter much in the scheme of life. Movies about the scheme of life are kinda cool but aren't often.

One movie I would promote is Beneath Hill 60 my Wife and I have just returned from a Sunday afternoon viewing at our local movie theater and tells a true story about our Grandfathers that did make a difference in the scheme of life.

The extraordinary true story of Oliver Woodward. It's 1916 and Woodward must tear himself from his new young love to go to the mud and carnage of the Western Front. Deep beneath the German lines. Woodward and his secret platoon of Australian tunnelers fight to defend a leaking, labyrinthine tunnel system packed with enough high explosives to change the course of the War. B)

Kick Ass

I just watched this. I think its amazing.

The Lord of the Rings.

I think you guys are all forgetting about one important movie that came out last year: Avatar.

Mr.and MS.Smith is very good film ;)

The Lord of the Rings.

I think you guys are all forgetting about one important movie that came out last year: Avatar.

Indeed LOTR is up there very high too. And Avatar I can now say is one of the best I've ever seen after I ordered it on Blu-ray.

Shutter Island!

Casablanca. A little corny but I think it's a great film.

Scrooge with Albert Finney. Favorite musical.

Edit. Almost forgot my favorite oldy (1933) - 42nd Street. Awesome finale.

Star Wars (Original Trilogy)

The Matrix (2 and 3 were okay)

Fight Club