Move to front of disk?

So I have been using defraggler for about a month now, on win7 64 and love it.

I have been making good use of moving images and archives to the end of my disk but what about moving files or even folders for that matter to the front?

Is there any way to do this?

Also is it possible to select whole directories to be moved to specific sections of the drive?

At this point all Defraggler can do is move large files to the end. It consolidates the rest at the beginning but not in any particular order.

Well, what do you do if you uncheck the option to move to front of drive, but it does this anyways?

Because all the free space is now in the middle of the partition, I cannot shrink the partition to make room for something else.

Is there anyway to remedy this? Is there anyway to ensure that Defraggler doesn't move files to the end of the drive?