move large files to end of drive (a request)

HI all,

small XP partition, 80GB, 15GB free, about 20GB are "large files" (500MB to 2 GB)

Defraggler was going through gyrations, but unable to move some of the files to the

slow end of the drive. I opened iup task manager, defraggler using 95% CPU.

I would say there was 2 or 3GB (perhaps in 4 or 5 extents) belonging to large files

stuck in the start of the drive.

Please consider this option. Have a best effort "move large files to the end of the drive"

It doesn't really matter if large files are not in one extent. If it's in a few extents who cares?

Doesn't affect the file performance.

If Defraggler was programmed this way, it would have put ALL of my large file fragments

in the slow part of the drive comfortably and quickly.

Instead it ran for about an hour before I stopped it. It apperared to be "thinking",

perhaps trying to figure out how to put ALL the files in one extent each?

It's not necessary.

Please consider my request.

have you seen the option in Settings, Options, Defrag tab, and tick Move large files to end of drive ?

is this what you were after?

Yes - this is what I'm referring to. It was ineffective for me, there was free space available,

but not enough contiguous to move whole files into.

As I said above, it looked as if Defraggler was "thinking" (99% cpu), but couldn't fgure out how best to proceed.

My suggestion is to have a "best fit" option (related to move large files to end) that will allow the program to

move the bigger files EVEN IF it can't get them into one extent.

This would be a great addition to the program, the defrag process would take much less time.
