
Hey i just order all these new parts and it turn out they will not fit on my mother board...

I found this mother board and it seems to fit all my needs.

They only thing i don't know is what type of power supply to go with it.

I found this one

I also found this one

Which one of those would for one work with it and which is better.

If neither of them will work and you have a idea of a good one that will please inform me.



I personally, would settle for the Powmax one.

It's higher power output, and lower price appeal to me more, and it is recommended on the same page as the Motherboard.

thanks i went wqith another one compltly it has 3 fans. the other ones on had 2. it puts out 520W which is not bad.

The reason i chose it was basiclly for the fans.

My prosesscor runs pretty not and i need to get anything that can help cool it down the most.

What do you think?