More defaults for System-Clean


What do you think of the reception following entries as the default system-Clean?


[_] Music Information

(Include "AlbumArt*.*" of all drives)

[_] Spezific Folder-View Cache

(Include "Folder.*" of all drives)

(Include "desktop.ini" of all drives)

[_] Icon Cache

(Include "IconCache.db" of all drives)

[_] Picture Cache

(Include "thumbs.db" of all drives)

Not a good ideal!

* desktop.ini = They're required for folder customizations such as if you have a "My Download Files" folder and use your own user selected icon, therefore deleting the desktop.ini file would remove the customization. They're also used elsewhere by Windows by default so you could mess up something just blindly deleting them!

* folder.* = Not a good ideal since they have a legitimate use for folder.jpg, etc., for album covers/art and that would for sure upset allot of people.

* Icon Cache = Not a good ideal. Who would want the icon cache rebuilt everytime after running CCleaner, it's a once in a while thing to run at best if icons aren't showing correctly.

You can always use other tools where you can specify which files you yourself deem as "junk" to clean them out.

I think, many would wish to remove these files to.

Exactly for the reasons to remove THAT folder information. ;)

Desktop.ini exist often, if not exist spezific folder/Icon information, too.

Thats will not need and can be erased...

No, no, this all will not rebuild after every ccleaning!

Only after u have choosed the option for erasing this, too. ;)

Often its very helpfull for more perfomance, if u erase a lot of fles of this types.

Many things rebuilding directly after ccleaneing...

Thats EXACTLY the same effects as deleting Prefetch Data with cc.. and that is good idea ?!

I assume that people know what they do.

Therefore, these options under "Advanced" and no standard-choosed. :rolleyes:

Narfhs... just an idea... :unsure: