Monitor colors are messed up

So I'm not sure if this is a software problem or a hardware problem. I used my laptop two days ago and everything was fine. Tonight I turn it on and there's a blue-green color that's taken over most areas that should be white. I tried shutting it down, letting it sit for a few minutes and turning it back on but it didn't seem to fix the problem. I'm not really sure what to do at this point. Any ideas from anyone out there? It's really giving me a major headache having to look at this.


If possible hook up an external monitor to the laptop and see if you get the same.

Does the same thing happen in safe mode?

Have any updates gone in for graphics?

Do the hinges seem ok? Lid a bit loose? Do you open your laptop lid by the corner each time you open it?

The monitor I have isn't USB so I can't try that, unfortunately.

Haven't tried safe mode but will do so shortly.

No graphics updates.

Hinges are great. As tight as the day I took this sucker out of the box. And it's always opened from the center of the screen. I couldn't open it from the corner even if I wanted to because it just won't budge that way lol

Did this start after Microsoft Updates Tuesday on April 14th?

What did you know and when did you know it? :P

I've never had a laptop so I'm no good at figgering out this sort of thing.


You don't need USB for an external monitor, as long as the laptop has some sort of 'video out' port, either DVI(digital), HDMI or VGA or D-SUB(analogue) and as long as you have an external screen with the matching port type then you can plug in an external monitor and see if it also looks the same way.

If it does, it's your laptop with the issue, if it doesn't then it's your screen with the issue.

Did this start after Microsoft Updates Tuesday on April 14th?

I don't have it set to auto-update so I don't think that would be the issue. But maybe something downloaded anyway?


You don't need USB for an external monitor, as long as the laptop has some sort of 'video out' port, either DVI(digital), HDMI or VGA or D-SUB(analogue) and as long as you have an external screen with the matching port type then you can plug in an external monitor and see if it also looks the same way.

If it does, it's your laptop with the issue, if it doesn't then it's your screen with the issue.

Well what I meant was I don't have an external laptop compatible with the connections on my laptop. The monitor I have is about 10 years old, maybe older

Finally got to check this issue in Safe Mode and the colors are messed up.

Does anyone think that maybe this is because I haven't upgraded to 8.1 yet? What about just checking for a graphics update? Or does this just wreak of a hardware issue?

Sounds like hazelnut is on the right path. I'd look up the "tear-down" instructions for your laptop (I know dell, hp and toshiba provide them on their websites, I assume the same is true for most laptop makers). In it look at how to disconnect the monitor (often it's a simple matter of removing a single piece of plastic) and check to see if the connecting wire (from monitor to laptop's body) isn't loose.

grabbing an external monitor from somewhere (friend, neighbour) would be worthwhile as it would quickly pinpoint the problem.

and just in the ever-so-slight chance, is the screen next to anything that could cause interference; speakers, microwaves (yeah I know), desk lamp etc?

Speakers will only have an effect on magnetic screens (tube monitors/tv's)

Sounds like hazelnut is on the right path. I'd look up the "tear-down" instructions for your laptop (I know dell, hp and toshiba provide them on their websites, I assume the same is true for most laptop makers). In it look at how to disconnect the monitor (often it's a simple matter of removing a single piece of plastic) and check to see if the connecting wire (from monitor to laptop's body) isn't loose.

That's exactly what I was hoping to avoid. lol My brother thinks he got the extended warranty on it when he bought it for me so if he can find the paperwork for that, I may just go that route. But if he didn't, then I'll definitely give that a shot.

grabbing an external monitor from somewhere (friend, neighbour) would be worthwhile as it would quickly pinpoint the problem.

and just in the ever-so-slight chance, is the screen next to anything that could cause interference; speakers, microwaves (yeah I know), desk lamp etc?

Yeah no one has a monitor that I can use. We all have the very old ones because everyone basically jumped ship to a laptop.

As far as interference, nope. I store it under my bed so it's out of harm's way and when I use it, it's while sitting on my bed or on the couch and it sits on a wooden TV tray thing.

(looks at LuLus' laptop)

Oh here's the problem. You've got this thing set to "evil".

(flips switch to "good")

Lulu what about your TV, can you connect the laptop to that?

Cheap, quick, & easy thing to try (might not work, but worth 5 minutes :P ).

Turn it off, take out the battery, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.

Then open & close the lid a few times.

Then put it all back, turn it on, & check.

The monitor I have isn't USB so I can't try that, unfortunately.

no monitor have usb

you need vga, hdmi or so

Lulu what about your TV, can you connect the laptop to that?

nice :-)

(looks at LuLus' laptop)

Oh here's the problem. You've got this thing set to "evil".

(flips switch to "good")

Ha if only!

Lulu what about your TV, can you connect the laptop to that?

Ummm not sure. Probably not since I'm sure it requires a cable I don't have lol But I'll check.

Cheap, quick, & easy thing to try (might not work, but worth 5 minutes :P ).

Turn it off, take out the battery, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.

Then open & close the lid a few times.

Then put it all back, turn it on, & check.

I'm gonna give that a go!

no monitor have usb

you need vga, hdmi or so

Actually there are. A friend in Maryland has one. It's similar to this.

Cheap, quick, & easy thing to try (might not work, but worth 5 minutes :P ).

Turn it off, take out the battery, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.

Then open & close the lid a few times.

Then put it all back, turn it on, & check.

Gave it the ol' college try and it didn't work. :( But thanks!