
Can anyone advise me on where to find & download free mixer devices for my XP Professional, SP3? Something must have happened to my audio system on my PC, because the speakers do not work at all, the volume icon on my desktop disappeared, and my computer keeps telling me that "there are no active mixer devices available". In other words: my computer is completely mute. sad.gif

Thanks in advance for any suggestion!

Best, Atnesrolleyes.gif

Have you tried doing start>run and then typing sevices.msc in the runbox and pressing OK

Then scroll down to Windows Audio in the list. Right click on it and choose properties. Make the the service is started under 'startup type' and that the 'service status' is set to automatic.

Your sound card drivers are not working hence no sound and problems accessing the mixer.

Open Device Manager (devmgmt.msc) look out for yellow markers and find the error codes.

When was the last time you had sound working??

Did you install/uninstall any software or applied any windows updates??

Have you tried a System Restore yet??

Richard S.

Have you tried doing start>run and then typing sevices.msc in the runbox and pressing OK

Then scroll down to Windows Audio in the list. Right click on it and choose properties. Make the the service is started under 'startup type' and that the 'service status' is set to automatic.

I followed your instruction, but the computer sent me a message saying"Windows cannot find 'sevices.msc '...." I'm quite at a loss .... but thanks anyway :-))

Best, Atnes

Your sound card drivers are not working hence no sound and problems accessing the mixer.

Open Device Manager (devmgmt.msc) look out for yellow markers and find the error codes.

When was the last time you had sound working??

Did you install/uninstall any software or applied any windows updates??

Have you tried a System Restore yet??

Richard S.

Thank you, Richard. It was just a few days ago that I could listen to the music - everything was working just fine. And yes, I did uninstall some software - but I do not recall what exactlycool.gif it was - I uninstalled several things I beleived unneccessary or superfluous. And yes, I've already tried the System Restore thing, but the task could not get completed, and I don't know why; the xomputer youst sent an error message of not having completed the restore. Where do I find the Dwevice Manager you are suggesting I should open?

Thanks a lot!

Best, Atnes

In some circumstances if files have been removed or damaged the System Restore cannot roll back correctly.

You can still review the install/uninstall logs so perhaps this might give you some clues as to what's changed.

Do you know what sound card you have, perhaps re-installing or updating the sound card drivers would help??

Richard S.

Please Atnes forgive me for my spelling error in post 2 above of this thread :ph34r: .

Would you please check again in services and see if the Windows Audio service is turned on?

It is services.msc in the run box.