Missing temperature on CPU and Ram and I just installed them


Missing CPU and RAM temps and I just installed them into the system with my new mobo. Any ideas why temps missing? Im on latest version of Speccy 64-bit (ver. 1.32.740).

Generally RAM will not have a temp listed.

The only way that I know of getting ram temps is by physically installing a sensor onto the ram PCBs, or chips on the PCBs.

and connecting them to the motherboard. How I do not know, but I am sure there are tutorial videos on youtube or similar video streaming site.

One way around that is to find ram that has a water cooling option. and put it on a separate loop from gfx and or cpu. as the tubing is (usually) much smaller.

if I remember correctly, there are some ram modules out there that have built in sensors.

However, they are few and far between, and difficult to find.

And much more difficult to find ones that are compatible with both your motherboard AND cpu.

As far as your Ryzen 5 cpu... I can't answer that.

I have a Ryzen 9, and it took nearly a year for the temp on mine to show, in the app. after several updates.