Missing MUI Reference - ?

I am just starting to use CCleaner.

Windows 11 Op System

The Register scan display tells me I have 38 "Missing MUI Reference" items. That is quite a list.

May I have some advice on what "Missing MUI Reference" means, why I might have so many missing, and the importance of it?

Thank you


MUI is the Windows "Multilingual User Interface", I'm not sure just how much it is implemented in Win 11 as of yet so wouldn't regard missing references as a problem. (Unless you are using a language other than English).


However I wouldn't be using the Registry Cleaner, any registry cleaner, with Windows 11 (or with Windows 10 come to that).

With both Win 10 and 11 the registry changes too often for it to be safe to regularly run a registry cleaner on, you run the risk of removing something needed, or even bricking your machine and needing to reinstall Windows from scratch.

See this: <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804" ipsnoembed="true" rel="">https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804</a>

Many thanks for the reply. I will put the MUI concern to bed.

have been reading more about registry cleaners and all of them agree with your comment. So I won't be cleaning my register.

Again, thanks for the advice.