Misleading localization in Tools > Uninstaller: "Run Installer" vs "Delete Entry"

Hello! First of all, thank you so much for this great piece of software! B)

My issue: I prefer CCleaner to uninstall Windows apps 'cause it's so much faster to handle. But there's a problem with (at least) the German localization of the terms "Run Installer" (Deinstallieren) and "Delete Entry" (Entfernen).

In a rush I did accidentally hit "Entfernen" twice already (instead of deinstallieren). Both words have basically the same meaning.

Suggestion: Add a warning dialog for "Delete Entry".



Would you be able to provide the correct German translation?


Would you be able to provide the correct German translation?


Instead of "Entfernen" for "Delete Entry", I suggest "Eintrag l?schen". That's a very similar translation.