You know the blue/white boxes you click on the left when you're in the Tools or Options tab? Well, it is possible that I found a bug involving those boxes.
It appears that the text of the blue/white boxes don't like to be underlined and to stay underlined. By default, the text of the box doesn't have an underline until you take action. When you click any of the boxes, they become underlined. But when you click a different tab and then go back to the previous tab again, you'll notice that the text didn't stay underlined. To summarize it all up, there are two problems:
You have to force the text to have an underline. The only way to do that is to click the box.
The text in the box doesn't listen to you. Whenever you leave it unwatched, it goes back to being not underlined.
You know the blue/white boxes you click on the left when you're in the Tools or Options tab? Well, it is possible that I found a bug involving those boxes.
It appears that the text of the blue/white boxes don't like to be underlined and to stay underlined. By default, the text of the box doesn't have an underline until you take action. When you click any of the boxes, they become underlined. But when you click a different tab and then go back to the previous tab again, you'll notice that the text didn't stay underlined. To summarize it all up, there are two problems:
You have to force the text to have an underline. The only way to do that is to click the box.
The text in the box doesn't listen to you. Whenever you leave it unwatched, it goes back to being not underlined.
If possible, can you post a screen shot of this issue, if you don't have someplace to upload to, Picasa is my first free (and favorite) choice and Flickr is also free and both have pretty easy signup. You can then point to the url with the button above the box you post in here. Or maybe you can refer to one of mine. See the link below, and if you want to use one of those pics, click on the screen shot and you'll get a larger version to link to.
I've been using CCleaner for quite some time now, and don't get what you are talking about. I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't get it. Also, please tell us what version of CCleaner you're using, along with the version of Windows (XP Pro, home - Vista Home Premium, Ultimate...), and if you're using something like Window Blinds.
You know the blue/white boxes you click on the left when you're in the Tools or Options tab? Well, it is possible that I found a bug involving those boxes.
It appears that the text of the blue/white boxes don't like to be underlined and to stay underlined. By default, the text of the box doesn't have an underline until you take action. When you click any of the boxes, they become underlined. But when you click a different tab and then go back to the previous tab again, you'll notice that the text didn't stay underlined. To summarize it all up, there are two problems:
You have to force the text to have an underline. The only way to do that is to click the box.
The text in the box doesn't listen to you. Whenever you leave it unwatched, it goes back to being not underlined.
Hi Cameron,
Instead of using the word "underlined" I think what you mean is the word "Highlighted".
When you click on an individual item in those sections it is "Highlighted".It turns blue behind the lettering.
You can only "highlight" one item at a time and then take the action that you want to do with that one item.
You can not select several items at one time.
This is why the "Highlighting: disappears when you "highlight" another item.
I hope that this clarifies this for you.
Please be aware that you should not uninstall anything in the Tools section because you think that CCleaner is advising you to do so.
I am a relatively new CCleaner user myself.You seem to be quite the curious type.
That's good and bad at the same time when it comes to the Windows Registry.
If you are new to understanding the internals of Windows,then I would recommend not using the Registry issues fixing function of CCleaner until you learn more.This is an advanced feature of CCleaner.
The average user doesn't have to do this,just use the "default" settings that come with CCleaner and only use the Cleaner function.
The Registry function and Tools function should only be used by more advanced users.
I do recommend that you bookmark the following link.