minimizable ccleaner-window

i mean the standard-window of ccleaner is a little bit to big grown over the past...

if i have set all settings/options i dont need this oversized window-dimensions at all.

why cant i minimize the ccleaner-window much more?

ccleaner_minimale groesse des fensters kann kleiner werden.JPG


Piriform have difficulty in getting the program to work correctly.

Please don't encourage them to mess with the window size as well :lol:

It grew in size some versions ago, you can't make it any smaller.

There were posts about it at the time, they have no plans or intention to change that minimum size or make it resizable below that minimum.

(My view is that it was done in preparation for Easy Clean/Health Check which needs that minimum size to get their fancy graphics on).

I thought the reasoning was because of increasing screen size/resolution.

8 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I thought the reasoning was because of increasing screen size/resolution.

That's what they said at the time, but then along came Easy Clean (the early Healh Check) with it's big graphics.

Make your own mind up which was the real reason.

On 25/03/2020 at 06:21, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Piriform have difficulty in getting the program to work correctly.

		Please don't encourage them to mess with the window size as well <img alt=":lol:" data-emoticon="" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_laugh.png" title=":lol:"></p>

with Avast in the backing, it can't be so hard i mean, can it...? ???

On 25/03/2020 at 12:01, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		There were posts about it at the time, they have no plans or intention to change that minimum size or make it resizable below that minimum.

		(My view is that it was done in preparation for Easy Clean/Health Check which needs that minimum size to get their fancy graphics on).

very possible... i have a new suggestion i mean... ? avast- please give us enduser the possibilities back to choose even if it only affects the window-size

and for that you can insert an automatic adjustment for Healt Check.

Or even better: an automatic adjustment of the graphics for Healt Check to the custom window size … what do you think about this?

to quote a famous old mafia leader /crook:

"This is an offer that he can't refuse ..." <span><span><span class="ipsEmoji">?</span><span class="ipsEmoji">?</span></span></span>

	<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
			I thought the reasoning was because of increasing screen size/resolution.


	wonderful <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span> so that one doesnt overlook it perhaps <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span></p>


	resolution 1024 x 708... a little bit to big in size for a small cleaning tool (i remember me darkly at the good old ccleaner versions as in xp... <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span>)

	620 x 450 smallest resolution

ccleaner alte auflösung.JPG

maybe sometime in a not so distant future in a galaxy far away with 1900 x 1200? ?

well it is as it is...

perhaps the devs would thinking again about this?

-> reducing window of ccleaner

Ccleaner too big for my laptop screen

It's unlikely that they'll change it.

What you want and others too would probably have to be something done at the OS-level that completely ignores/overrides what programs do natively which I'd think is possible but it would make the program look rather goofy/strange when resized since it wouldn't be done natively by the program itself, and things would probably end up being hidden inside the window without any scrollbars or any wrapping of elements -- I've personally seen a very small amount of programs which can be counted on one hand that can't be resized at all and which are possibly "poorly coded" that will allow for dragging them into a smaller size, but as mentioned it causes things to become hidden in them and unusable.