I'm a newbie, and today I noticed my computer was very slow. So I installed CCleaner and accidently unchecked the start menu option so now I don't have it on my start menu or my desktop. Is there some way to put it on the Start Menu without reinstalling or pinning CCleaner to the Start Menu?? I looked in the CCleaner Options but didn't find it.
I'm a newbie, and today I noticed my computer was very slow. So I installed CCleaner and accidently unchecked the start menu option so now I don't have it on my start menu or my desktop. Is there some way to put it on the Start Menu without reinstalling or pinning CCleaner to the Start Menu?? I looked in the CCleaner Options but didn't find it.
There sure is. I'll be right back.
Where you been ? I have been waiting for you.
I am back.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe
Right-click on the CCleaner icon and select Send to then select Desktop. You now have a shortcut on your Desktop. You can right-click on the Desktop icon and Rename it what you like.
With use of the Desktop shortcut you will end up with a Start-up list icon real soon if not immediately.
Next reinstall you can uncheck all those other install options but the shortcuts. That is what I do.
Welcome to the forum
You can come to my B.B.Q. anytime.
Beginners advice
Start here with this link and follow its advice.
Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.
Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
P.S. There can be many reasons for your PC to slow down. First reboot and then follow those links I gave you.
Do what they advise and then run CCleaner and reboot and see how things are. Please fill us in.
There sure is. I'll be right back.Where you been ? I have been waiting for you.
I am back.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe
Right-click on the CCleaner icon and select Send to then select Desktop. You now have a shortcut on your Desktop. You can right-click on the Desktop icon and Rename it what you like.
With use of the Desktop shortcut you will end up with a Start-up list icon real soon if not immediately.
Next reinstall you can uncheck all those other install options but the shortcuts. That is what I do.
Welcome to the forum
You can come to my B.B.Q. anytime.
Beginners advice
Start here with this link and follow its advice.
Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.
Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.
CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
P.S. There can be many reasons for your PC to slow down. First reboot and then follow those links I gave you.
Do what they advise and then run CCleaner and reboot and see how things are. Please fill us in.
Thanks. It's in my desktop and start menu now.
Sure.. but how do you reboot and what happens when you reboot??
Thanks. It's in my desktop and start menu now.
Sure.. but how do you reboot and what happens when you reboot??
Hi BlazingPig,
Reboot is the term applied to "restarting" your PC.
This causes everything to be reloaded into the PC including new programs in place of old and many other things occur to guarantee that their is no conflict between old settings and new.
See this link for details. Look at "soft reboot".
For more learning advice for new PC users see this link. Bookmark it and "save to Favorites". You will need it for awhile and it will be work but worth the effort. Take your time. You are in control.
You don't have to do this right away, but it sure is the way to learn and at your own speed. Besides you know where we live now.
Good luck,
P.S. You are going to be one busy "little piggy" but the Big Bad Wolf won't get you either.
P.S.S. The most important thing I almost forgot.
Tell me about this "slowdown" of your PC.
Did it happen all in one day or has it been getting slower and slower gradually ?
Do you have Windows XP or Vista Operating System (OS) ?