Microsoft to sue 'scareware' security vendors

Microsoft to sue 'scareware' security vendors

Tools such as Antivirus 2008 could be a target

Robert McMillan

Microsoft and Washington state are cracking down on scammers who bombard computer users with fake warning messages in hopes of selling them useless software.

The state's attorney general and lawyers from Microsoft's Internet Safety Enforcement team are expectd to announce today several lawsuits against so-called 'scareware' vendors, who are being charged under Washington state's Computer Spyware Act.

I hope they're successful in the endeavor because rogues like Antivirus 2008/2009 needs to disappear.

I hope they're successful in the endeavor because rogues like Antivirus 2008/2009 needs to disappear.

Its the rogue money grabbing ISPs that host the malware that should disappear but they are usually in a country that has no laws that can stop them and probably is their major source of income.

They could just invade the countries, appoint a new ruler, etc., then call it necessary against evil doers. But that isn't too original hence it's already been done.

I have it from a reliable source that they have Weapons of Mass Destruction hidden in their beards.

Infamous vendor of ?AntiVirus XP? badware sued

Posted by Adam O'Donnell

The software purveyor behind AntiVirus XP, a fake anti-virus package, has been sued and will hopefully be put out of business.

There has been plenty of information available on this organization for some time, yet unsuspecting consumers continue to hand over their own money for what amounts to malware. Alex Eckelberry at Sunbelt Software has been tracking the fake software epidemic for some time, documenting some of the unmitigated gall these badware purveyors have displayed. They have even gone so far as to take out Google AdWords to push their malware. A solid breakdown of the legal events is available here.