Microsoft to Lock Pirates Out of Vista

Microsoft said Wednesday that it plans to clamp down hard on piraters of its next-generation operating systems, crippling both Windows Vista and Windows Server "Longhorn" if users fail to activate their copies within 30 days.

While the restriction of operating system features has been around since the advent of Windows XP in 2001, the new program takes that process a step further. It would also make widely distributed volume-license product keys -- traditionally supplied to corporations -- harder to use.

Called the Software Protection Program, the initiative is made up of several parts. The first move is to make certain features unavailable unless the user has confirmed their copy of Windows as genuine. Only licensed copies would have access to Aero -- Vista's new user interface -- and ReadyBoost, which uses a flash drive to temporarily add more memory to a computer system.

Additionally, the functionality of Windows Defender would be crippled, and optional downloads from Windows Update would be unavailable to the unlicensed user. Microsoft would also place a watermark on the desktop at all times that reads "This copy of Windows is not genuine."

The biggest change, however, is to the Windows activation process. With a number of corporate product keys publicly available on the Internet, activating a pirated copy of Windows Vista was quite easy as it only took one activation to prevent reduced functionality.

With Vista, the activation isn't permanent. If Microsoft discovers that the user has used a product key without authorization, it will force the user to reactivate his or her copy of Windows. Product keys may be blocked for a number of reasons, Microsoft says, including for abuse, stolen or pirate keys, or if the key was seized due to anti-piracy efforts.

"The Software Protection Platform has been under development for several years," Microsoft's director of the Genuine Software Initiative Cori Hartje said. "It brings together new anti-piracy innovations, counterfeit detection and tamper-resistant features into a complete platform that provides better software protection to programs that leverage it."

While Vista and Longhorn are the first to use the new technologies, the program would expand to other products in the coming years.

Hartje cited data from the Business Software Alliance that indicated 35 percent of all software installed in 2005 was pirated and unlicensed. This represented some $35 billion in lost revenue for the software industry.

"Software piracy is not a victimless crime," she said. "It harms consumers, businesses and other organizations every year."


Wow, I'm not shocked at all. Knew Microsoft would finally get up off thier butts and discuss this. I wonder if anyone will be able to have the sucess of cracking Vista. I think so.

its already been cracked! :D

my friends got a cracked version, i wondor what would happen if they ever caught him with all his cracked programs and cracked vista.. <_<<_<<_<

you lie.

Don't talk about your software being pirated or ask for ways to do it. <_<

Personally I'm not to worried about this because I wouldn't pirate it anyway. If it turns out to cause genuine problems for people who did buy the software then MS will either loose lots of business or have to fix it, simple as that.

Seeing as how I don't plan to upgrade to vista for a while I'll just wait and see how it goes. If it turns out to be a pain I'll just start buying macs.(hopefully OSX will be available on cd by then anyway)

Don't talk about your software being pirated or ask for ways to do it. <_<

Personally I'm not to worried about this because I wouldn't pirate it anyway. If it turns out to cause genuine problems for people who did buy the software then MS will either loose lots of business or have to fix it, simple as that.

Seeing as how I don't plan to upgrade to vista for a while I'll just wait and see how it goes. If it turns out to be a pain I'll just start buying macs.(hopefully OSX will be available on cd by then anyway)

Mac's OS isn't avaible on CD? Then how'd you suppose to reformat if you run into a Virus? (If that EVER happen on a Mac that is :) )

you lie.

If they can crack Windows Xp then... surely they can through Vista :)

Well its on cds obviously but you cant go to the store and buy it in a box to install on any computer you want. :rolleyes:


I would buy Windows Xp Professional but don't have the money. I will soon though.

Well its on cds obviously but you cant go to the store and buy it in a box to install on any computer you want. :rolleyes:

So you can get it shipped to you by Web right? There's a shipping cost I bet to go along with the package.


I would buy Windows Xp Professional but don't have the money. I will soon though.

Not to be rude but that doesn't matter. Stealing is stealing and no matter what its wrong.

Do I think your a horrible person? No, but either way you look at it, its wrong and against the law. All I said was don't talk about pirating software or ask how to do it.

So you can get it shipped to you by Web right? There's a shipping cost I bet to go along with the package.

I think your missing the point.... You cant buy osx and stick it on any pc. To use OSX you must run it on mac hardware. Its not like windows where you can buy or build your computer and then use XP or whatever else you want. Macs use proprietary hardware.

This is likely to change in the future since Macs now run on intel chips, which means there shouldn't really be any compatibility issues.

Not to be rude but that doesn't matter. Stealing is stealing and no matter what its wrong.

Do I think your a horrible person? No, but either way you look at it, its wrong and against the law. All I said was don't talk about pirating software or ask how to do it.

I think your missing the point.... You cant buy osx and stick it on any pc. To use OSX you must run it on mac hardware. Its not like windows where you can buy or build your computer and then use XP or whatever else you want. Macs use proprietary hardware.

This is likely to change in the future since Macs now run on intel chips, which means there shouldn't really be any compatibility issues.

I got the point :lol: I'm not dumb here :D I've used a Mac and I'm well aware Mac's OS can't run on Windows based hardware. I know you have to buy Mac related parts to able to upgrade a Mac though. I also know you... can run Windows Xp on a Mac Mini which I found pretty cool :)

I also know you...can run Windows Xp on a Mac Mini which I found pretty cool :)

Why cripple it? Seems pointless to spend the extra money on a MAC to only install WinXP.

Every new version of Windows seem to get more and more restrictive and heavier and more annoying "anti-piracy" features and such.

I sure as hell don't like to agree to restrictive EULA's, type in CD keys, give up my first born, "Activate" Windows, WGA, WGA notifications, and all that kind of stuff.

Not to be rude but that doesn't matter. Stealing is stealing and no matter what its wrong.

Do I think your a horrible person? No, but either way you look at it, its wrong and against the law. All I said was don't talk about pirating software or ask how to do it.

I think your missing the point.... You cant buy osx and stick it on any pc. To use OSX you must run it on mac hardware. Its not like windows where you can buy or build your computer and then use XP or whatever else you want. Macs use proprietary hardware.

This is likely to change in the future since Macs now run on intel chips, which means there shouldn't really be any compatibility issues.

Software piracy and stealing is a little different. Like when you steal something, you usually get something, and the owner loose something. In software piracy, its more like you get something, without paying for it, but the owner don't loose anything. Probably alot of people who eg. download movies wouldn't go out to the cinema and watch them or buy the DVD if it wasn't possible for them to download it.

It is against the law (in most countries). But about being wrong, that depends on how you look at it. Example with music and movies, it is illegal to download a movie or song that is 30 years old, but I don't think it is wrong, because things like movies and music are not just products to be sold, they are culture too.

Example, if I downloaded Doom, I don't think it would be wrong, that game is a classic, its culture. If I download Elvis, I don't think that would be wrong.

About the Mac's, yes there shouldn't be any compatibility issues, but I think Apple likes vendor lock-in.

I got the point :lol: I'm not dumb here :D I've used a Mac and I'm well aware Mac's OS can't run on Windows based hardware. I know you have to buy Mac related parts to able to upgrade a Mac though. I also know you... can run Windows Xp on a Mac Mini which I found pretty cool :)

I don't find it pretty cool. I think that is something that should be obvious that it should work, it should be expected to work.

No matter what computer you use, people should be allowed to change whatever software they want on it to whatever software they want. Mac Mini is a x86, so sure as hell it should be possible to just about anything is for the x86.

The only thing with windows and a Mac is that the driver ARE NOT There for windows. Such as Video and sound. Yes... windows uses the standard drivers it comes with. That's because Mac's are Mac based of course. Probably somebody will come around and make Mac drivers for windows.

Every new version of Windows seem to get more and more restrictive and heavier and more annoying "anti-piracy" features and such.

I sure as hell don't like to agree to restrictive EULA's, type in CD keys, give up my first born, "Activate" Windows, WGA, WGA notifications, and all that kind of stuff.

MS has a right to protect their product and ensure they recieve payment for their work. If I built someone a house and they move in but don't pay me, guess what? They are getting thrown out of that house. Its the same thing, you installed their software but didn't pay so now they are throwing you out. I don't have a problem with it as long as they don't aggrivate me while doing it.(example WGA telling valid users they aren't)

Software piracy and stealing is a little different. Like when you steal something, you usually get something, and the owner loose something. In software piracy, its more like you get something, without paying for it, but the owner don't loose anything. Probably alot of people who eg. download movies wouldn't go out to the cinema and watch them or buy the DVD if it wasn't possible for them to download it.

In your mind the person doesn't loose anything but in actuallity they loose profits. If your software was your only form on income and people only pirated it you wouldn't make any money and would be poor. Sure their are those who can and do make software for free but everyone can't do that. You like to mention the greedy capitolists but you cant forget the whiney socialist/communists that want everything given to them. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing.(EDIT: This is just a wild generalization. Much like the ones you use. I don't think all socialists want everything for free or are whiney. :P:lol: )

It is against the law (in most countries). But about being wrong, that depends on how you look at it. Example with music and movies, it is illegal to download a movie or song that is 30 years old, but I don't think it is wrong, because things like movies and music are not just products to be sold, they are culture too.

Example, if I downloaded Doom, I don't think it would be wrong, that game is a classic, its culture. If I download Elvis, I don't think that would be wrong.

I've been to a few museums and I've had to pay to get in. They require you pay so that they can keep up the buildings and add new stuff. Well those people made those movies/songs/paintings/ect to make a living, and so they could make more. Being able to see movies, listen to music, ect isn't a human right and its never been that way. Hundereds of years ago only the insanely rich saw plays and musicals, do I think it should be this way again? No, but not everything can be free.

About the Mac's, yes there shouldn't be any compatibility issues, but I think Apple likes vendor lock-in.

I don't find it pretty cool. I think that is something that should be obvious that it should work, it should be expected to work.

People who buy macs usually don't want windows anyway and they buy macs for a reason. When they buy them they know what they are getting and they agree to whatever apple says because thats what they want. I think its a nice feature but I bet most mac users aren't using it and would laugh at the thought of buying a mac and using windows on it.

No matter what computer you use, people should be allowed to change whatever software they want on it to whatever software they want. Mac Mini is a x86, so sure as hell it should be possible to just about anything is for the x86.

Wrong, you paid for the computer and you agreed to thier terms when you did so. If you don't like it don't buy it.

Here's where I disagree with you Rridgely I would def'ly pay for an OS if it came out from a smaller company, or I would've bought Windows when it was first released, ( i dont remember the orignial names but the ones way before 95) but now when it comes down to it, f*** MS , if i DO or DON'T pirate it, I dont care, MS has to learn how to deal wiht this s**t, and if they have to combat software pirating by penalizing the LEGAL consumer, I say f*** them, and f*** the true consumer, if you don't like it, do the best thing you can do and put another OS on your computer. Sorry for my excessive run on sentences but I've come to a point where I'm straight up f***ing pissed with MS's shenanigans.

and people don't wipe macs to put windows on them, they use bootcamp.

I currently have a computer that runs windows 3.11, thats the earliest version of windows I have ever used. :lol: The computer is pretty worthless but its cool to see how far we've come in such a small amount of time.(I have a relative that has an old mac with and the only program is a spreadsheet. :P Its pretty cool too)

Anyway, I'm now going to try to decipher your post as best I can. :P

Here's where I disagree with you Rridgely I would def'ly pay for an OS if it came out from a smaller company, or I would've bought Windows when it was first released, ( i dont remember the orignial names but the ones way before 95)

I never said I wouldn't use another OS I said if windows vista turns out to be as bad as eldmannen seems to try to say it will be then I'll just use something else.(Deff not linux, long story)

but now when it comes down to it, f*** MS , if i DO or DON'T pirate it, I dont care, MS has to learn how to deal wiht this s**t

Which is what they are doing. Shame is that if no one pirated it they wouldn't have to do it at all.

, and if they have to combat software pirating by penalizing the LEGAL consumer, I say f*** them, and f*** the true consumer, if you don't like it, do the best thing you can do and put another OS on your computer.

You basically said the same thing as me... Not sure what your disagreeing with me on. :P Like I said if the copy protection stuff becomes to restrictive I will choose to use something else. I think they have a right to protect their investment but if they do so in a way that bothers everyone then no on will use it.

Sorry for my excessive run on sentences but I've come to a point where I'm straight up f***ing pissed with MS's shenanigans.

Eh I haven't been affected by any of it yet. If for some reason my computer quit working because of WGA then I would be annoyed but untill then I don't really care.

I think your missing the point.... You cant buy osx and stick it on any pc. To use OSX you must run it on mac hardware. Its not like windows where you can buy or build your computer and then use XP or whatever else you want. Macs use proprietary hardware.
How is that done? I have very little knowledge of the Mac. Only thing that comes to mind is that it's branded to Mac hardware IDs. Once OS X is installed it binds itself to your hardware. Just a quess.

I'd like to get one of those Mini Macs and add it to my network.


MS has a right to protect their product and ensure they recieve payment for their work. If I built someone a house and they move in but don't pay me, guess what? They are getting thrown out of that house. Its the same thing, you installed their software but didn't pay so now they are throwing you out. I don't have a problem with it as long as they don't aggrivate me while doing it.(example WGA telling valid users they aren't)

Yes, it is true that they have the right to protect their product. However, I do feel that it is an annoyance. You can be a person with a legal copy of Windows and still dislike their protection stuff. Nobody likes the piracy-protection things, I am sure alot of people who bought legal copy of Windows would like it better without them.

In your mind the person doesn't loose anything but in actuallity they loose profits. If your software was your only form on income and people only pirated it you wouldn't make any money and would be poor. Sure their are those who can and do make software for free but everyone can't do that.

Well, example Mary 47, she has an illegal copy of Adobe Photoshop, she use it about 2-3 times a month maybe, she likes it, but she doesn't really need it as she rarely use it. She enjoys having it, but if it wasn't possible for her to get her hands on it for free, she wouldn't go out and buy it anyways. Mary enjoys Photoshop, Adobe looses nothing.

John 13, hears his friends in school talk about a movie, hes curious about it, so he download it on the Internet just to see whats the fuss is about. If he wouldn't be able to get it for free, he wouldn't go out and buy the movie anyways.

Bob 72, wants to watch some old movies from the 60's and 70's, from his childhood, he cant find any place to buy these old movies, so he looks for them on the Internet and finds them, he download them but its illegal because the copyright have not expired. He enjoys the movies, the company who made them lost nothing, as he wouldn't be able to find a legal copy to buy anyways.

People who buy macs usually don't want windows anyway and they buy macs for a reason. When they buy them they know what they are getting and they agree to whatever apple says because thats what they want. I think its a nice feature but I bet most mac users aren't using it and would laugh at the thought of buying a mac and using windows on it.

Yes, it would be silly to buy a Mac and then run Windows on it, I agree. Many Mac users indeed would laugh at the idea. But I am sure there are people with Mac's or interested in Mac's who would like to run Mac OS X but dualboot Windows to run some certain piece of software that don't exist for Mac OS X or some games.

Wrong, you paid for the computer and you agreed to thier terms when you did so. If you don't like it don't buy it.

You have to sign a license and agree to terms nowadays to buy a computer?

When I buy something, it is mine, and I should be able to do what I want with it.

If I buy pepper, I'll snort it if I want to. If I buy a underwear, I'll wear them on my head if I want to. If I buy a pair of Jeans, I'll wash them in 150? degres if I want to. :D

No way in hell I would sign a license and agree to terms that restricted what I could do with a product.

Yes, it is true that they have the right to protect their product. However, I do feel that it is an annoyance. You can be a person with a legal copy of Windows and still dislike their protection stuff. Nobody likes the piracy-protection things, I am sure alot of people who bought legal copy of Windows would like it better without them.

Like I said as long as it doesn't interfere with using the product it shouldn't be an issue. With XP even with the WGA stuff for most people it doesn't affect anything. Once its installed they don't have to do anything extra and everything works the same as it did before.(nothing is limited either)

Perfect example of copy protection I don't agree with is the copy protected audio downloads from walmart/napster/ect. I only bought a few albums that way and a few months ago WMP started telling me the license had expired.(which isn't right) So I no longer buy music online.(I like having the packaging and everything anyway) So once it became too intrusive I quit using it.

Well, example Mary 47, she has an illegal copy of Adobe Photoshop, she use it about 2-3 times a month maybe, she likes it, but she doesn't really need it as she rarely use it. She enjoys having it, but if it wasn't possible for her to get her hands on it for free, she wouldn't go out and buy it anyways. Mary enjoys Photoshop, Adobe looses nothing.

Wrong they lost however much they would have made if Mary had paid for it. If you don't pay you shouldn't get to use it, period. Adobe only looses nothing if you don't use their software and don't pay. If you use it and don't pay they lost the price of the software. Its like your saying its ok to steal as long as you do it from big companies, stealing is stealing.

John 13, hears his friends in school talk about a movie, hes curious about it, so he download it on the Internet just to see whats the fuss is about. If he wouldn't be able to get it for free, he wouldn't go out and buy the movie anyways.

Wrong again and pretty much the same thing. By your logic everyone could get away with not paying for anything. How would you like it if someone hired you to do a job and you did it but they said, "No I'm not paying you because if you wouldn't have done it for free I wouldn't have got it done."

Bob 72, wants to watch some old movies from the 60's and 70's, from his childhood, he cant find any place to buy these old movies, so he looks for them on the Internet and finds them, he download them but its illegal because the copyright have not expired. He enjoys the movies, the company who made them lost nothing, as he wouldn't be able to find a legal copy to buy anyways.

Its still wrong. If the person who owns the rights doesn't want the shows available thent they have that right. You can't always get what you want.

You have to sign a license and agree to terms nowadays to buy a computer?

When I buy something, it is mine, and I should be able to do what I want with it.

If I buy pepper, I'll snort it if I want to. If I buy a underwear, I'll wear them on my head if I want to. If I buy a pair of Jeans, I'll wash them in 150? degres if I want to. :D

No way in hell I would sign a license and agree to terms that restricted what I could do with a product.

When you buy a computer from dell and it includes windows xp you agree to windows' license when you use it right? Same thing.

but the question is "is stealing bread to provide your poor family food' wrong?

but the question is "is stealing bread to provide your poor family food' wrong?

Some people would say that poor families would not be able to afford computers. Anway there is enough free stuff out there to keep most people happy.

If I cannot afford a car I don't expect my neighbour to allow me to drive his, use his petrol etc without even asking his permission to do so, or offering to pay towards the costs.