Microsoft Power Query uninstalled, found 2.6GB of cache files using TreeSizeFree

..\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerQuery\Cache\ 0c22c117-47d9-4ebd-b5e5-7c6d8243a4f3.dat 1.2GB and many others like it. Last used 1.5 years ago. The cache files cover a period of 4 months.

Also found 300MB in 6000 files in ..\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Code Cache\js which are up to 1.5 years old. Another 200MB right next to it in IndexedDB. I will toss as soon as I close Chrome.

AppData\Roaming\Zoom\logs had 150MB as well.

And your question is?

I recommend that you get Revo Uninstaller, that is very good at getting rid of leftovers following an uninstall.

A good piece of software should have a good uninstall routine built in to clear everything.

It should not have to rely on another program to do it for it.

The query cache isn't going to be cleaned while Excel is still installed.

I was under the impression that CC would clean out temporary files.

I wish it would also tackle the many copies of installer files, where I find 2 to 4 levels of unpacking, caching, and backupping.

I removed a total of 77GB of working file copies, a hibernate file that isn't used by a box PC that runs 24/7, a dozen not used apps, released some cloud caches, pst files from work (just retired), for a total of 170GB. That matters on a 512GB SSD. Duplicate photos and documents found by other tools.

I am just posting to give awareness to these trashcans to the developers.

The point about the file age is that temp files may need to lie around for a day to a month, but not much longer.