..\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\PowerQuery\Cache\ 0c22c117-47d9-4ebd-b5e5-7c6d8243a4f3.dat 1.2GB and many others like it. Last used 1.5 years ago. The cache files cover a period of 4 months.
Also found 300MB in 6000 files in ..\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Code Cache\js which are up to 1.5 years old. Another 200MB right next to it in IndexedDB. I will toss as soon as I close Chrome.
The query cache isn't going to be cleaned while Excel is still installed.
I was under the impression that CC would clean out temporary files.
I wish it would also tackle the many copies of installer files, where I find 2 to 4 levels of unpacking, caching, and backupping.
I removed a total of 77GB of working file copies, a hibernate file that isn't used by a box PC that runs 24/7, a dozen not used apps, released some cloud caches, pst files from work (just retired), for a total of 170GB. That matters on a 512GB SSD. Duplicate photos and documents found by other tools.
I am just posting to give awareness to these trashcans to the developers.
The point about the file age is that temp files may need to lie around for a day to a month, but not much longer.