Microsoft planted backdoor in Windows?

Recently there were a WMF (Windows Meta File) security vulnerability in Windows.

It caught alot of attention, and third-party patches started appearing. And Microsoft had to release a patch for it earlier than planned.

Supposedly you get infected by just visiting a website and a image loads which contains executable code.

Steve Gibson of GRC, a well-known media whore and PR marketing and self-proclaimed security expert claims that it was not a bug, but an backdoor.

See following links:



Some interesting read.

He says that there is no way it could have been a bug or bad code. He says it must have been an intentionally placed code to work as a backdoor. He also claims MS was aware of this due to the code must have been checked when there was earlier bugs in the code (2 bugs). So it must have been spotted.

True or not, i love conspiracy theory's :D

He just wants attention, and you said it too.

Steve Gibson of GRC, a well-known media whore and PR marketing and self-proclaimed security expert claims that it was not a bug, but an backdoor.

Yeah, he is pretty well-known for stirring things up to appear way bigger than they really are, to get attention. =/

So anything coming from his mouth have to be taken with a grain of salt.

He may be an attention whore, but is he wrong?

Same old f***ing s**t, someone always posts that goddamned link.

Well, Gibson is a media-whore. He just wants attention.

what is GRC, how is he making profits, off this, wtf is his damn motive.