Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to retire

Search for his successor begins.

(apparently microsoft shares leapt 9% at the news)

Nothing like making ~800+ million just by announcing that you're going to retire..

If he invests or spends that $800 million in the US I have no qualms.

it's just net worth because his millions of stocks in microsoft matured as a result of his announcement.

If he invests or spends that $800 million in the US I have no qualms.

Why? Microsoft makes many all over the world. He should spend it on whatever he wants, wherever he wants.

I know this thread is several days old, but I found a story that implies Ballmer's retirement wasn't exactly planned nor voluntary:

It seems a major investor wasn't pleased with his past performance or his future plans, and helped grease the skids for his departure.

He'll probably be happier anyways without all the stress. Companies/jobs always bash people performance-wise without always giving them tools to help improve.

Microsoft uses a system called 'stack ranking'. No wonder they have problems with employees.

No wonder they have problems with employees.

...and OSes that flop.