All I can say is thank god this game is going to be awesome! They just released a trailor and my jaw hit the floor. The graphics are even better than the killzone 2 trailor and its again supposed to be real time (Who knows for sure though). You have to see it to believe it:

This hit the nail on the head for me, No XBOX 360 only PS3. :D

i want it, i want it, i want it!!!

It only for PS3 becuase that not cool

What do most people want xbox360 or PS3, or the weird nintendo thing

I personally want a ps3. I will wait untill it comes out before I choose which one I get though. More than likely after a few years of them being released I will end up with both. :D

I refuse to buy the nintendo revolution for the plain and simple fact that the controller is a tv remote.

lol very true about the controller.

Do you know what tye of internt thing the PS# is going to be able to do, like the xbox got xbox live and they making it so you can chat to. :)

They havent said anything about the online factor yet. I know the ps3 is supposed to have built in wireless networking but thats about it. I'm predicting something simmilar to xbox live though. Sony missed this time on online I'm sure/hoping they wont make the same mistake twice.

I think so far im swinging towards the Xbox360 im not going to touch the tv remote Nintendo with a barge poll i have enough tv remotes around the house i don't need another. I think the ps3 looks like a sandwich toaster the the controller looks like boomerang and while the ps3 game trailers look draw dropping the xbox360 for me look better.

im getting a 360 although this looks amazing i already have xbox live and plus the fact halo 3 is going to be better than this.

I'll probably end up with a PS3 for one reason it'll be more powerful than the XBOX 360 and will most likely continue having the type of games available I like to play. I only hope the PS3 build quality is better because I surely don't feel like taking it apart every 6-12 months to clean and lubricate the rails when the system starts to malfunction, like the current situation with the PS2. I'm not even considering the Nintendo system.

Andavari what starts to malfunction on your ps2? Mine has some strange thing wrong with it where it wont play the old blue or purple discs. Other than that no problems for the close to 4 years that I have had it.

As long as sony keeps getting metal gear and all of the platformers I will forever be a playstation fan (Almost forgot Grand Turismo). If I want FPS games than I will go play on my pc. I just don't see myself buying a console with only two or three good games.

Andavari what starts to malfunction on your ps2? Mine has some strange thing wrong with it where it wont play the old blue or purple discs. Other than that no problems for the close to 4 years that I have had it.

As long as sony keeps getting metal gear and all of the platformers I will forever be a playstation fan (Almost forgot Grand Turismo). If I want FPS games than I will go play on my pc. I just don't see myself buying a console with only two or three good games.

Yea my first PS2 stopped workin due to alot o dust getting stuck in the grills so i bought an XBOX, i love the XBOX and think alot o the titles are gr8. But i also went and bought a PS2 as alot o the titles seemed better games.

So as for the Next Gen Consoles

I will get the XBOX360 then the PS3

afterall you, only live once

i will never get a revolution though

Andavari what starts to malfunction on your ps2?

The rails (drive slide mechanism) is what malfunctions when it gets dirty and needs to be lubricated with sewing machine oil. I'm so practiced at doing it, it now only takes me 10-15 minutes to take it apart clean it and reassemble. Looks like this:


Mine has some strange thing wrong with it where it wont play the old blue or purple discs.

That's a known problem. The only solution I found with those discs which are CD's not DVD's is to constantly reboot the system, or go into the memory card manager area and then insert the disc and then load it from there. My problem is solved though because I sold all the CD PS2 games I had because I was tired of the loading issues.

Wow, I have never taken any of my consoles apart and never plan to. Even though my playstation is long past having a waranty I'm still paranoid to break that seal on the back. :D

I'm still paranoid to break that seal on the back.

The seal isn't the part that's easy to break.

When opening up a PS2 console the power and eject button assembly which is one part has to be carefully removed because if it isn't the ribbon it's attached to will be damaged which will make it impossible to use the PS2 without repairing it.

The ribbon is easy to damage for multiple reasons; 1. It's unexpected and someone will just try to take the upper and bottom halves of the PS2 apart damaging it. 2. It's adhered/weakly glued to the bottom half. 3. If the two halves tip over you're in trouble.

This is what it looks like:
