Memory.dmp what is it?

well here's the SS when i ran CCleaner. This is the first time i have encountered this file..


and its over 1gig is it safe to be deleted?

They can be caused by several reasons, if you look in your event viewer you may see lots of 1001 event id errors (you may not though)

To find out what caused it involves using windows debugger. However yours looks very large!

Here is a thread with quite a bit of info on this

my pc restarted and gave me a BSOD(it seems i is dumping some memory stuff) @___@ but i have figured out the problem...the original slot of my RAM was damaged(because when it was on the BSOD it automatically restarted)...luckily i have 1 more slot so when i changed it to the other slot my pc booted again...but the fact is for the years that my pc has existed i have not encountered this memory.dmp and as a said above its a first time for me...anyway its fine now...


its here again..can i delete it? but im afraid that i might get a BSOD again :mellow:

As far as I can make out as the event has already happened it is ok to delete the .dmp file.

As this file is usually the size of your RAM and can only really be debugged by experts you may want to consider going>control panel>system>advanced> startup and recovery settings, under system failure change the write debugging to a minidump (64k)

Then you may be able to use the windows debugging tool.

What does the BSOD error message show? Info here on this

the BSOD look liked this...


but its fine now hazelnut..thank you again for helping me :) sorry to make such a fuss :lol:

Glad things seem okay for you now, I don't think you made a fuss at all, you just wanted to know what was going on.

Nothing wrong with that :)

I take it all your virus/malware scans are clean?

Glad things seem okay for you now, I don't think you made a fuss at all, you just wanted to know what was going on.

Nothing wrong with that :)

I take it all your virus/malware scans are clean?

Thanks.:) well ZoneAlarm did not pick anything so i'm assuming my system is clean :)