media center program (FREE)

I was browsing and found a topic about a open source media center alternative. I'm downloading it right now but it looks awesome:

MediaPortal turns your PC in a very advanced Multi-MediaCenter / HTPC.

It allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch your video's and DVD's, view, schedule and record live TV and much more. You get Media Portal for free/nothing/nada/nopes and best of all it is opensource. This means anyone can help developing Media Portal or tweak it for their own needs!

There is also a nother free one here:

I'm currently having problems with media portal but I think its my fault. ;) Everytime I open it freezes up on me.


Well I have no use for this program. If you always wanted to play around with media center give these a try you might like it but I didnt.

I think MediaPortal would be a better choice than GB-PVR.

Now if you only had a slimmed HTPC computer connected to that TV in the living room. ;)