
This forum seems too little used, and is a mess in my eye's

All I want is a simple way to get my last browsing session restored

It seems to me several days work is lost because I assumed Ccleaner Browser would have a function to restore my work. I know, I'm the fool !

Please only post one topic on a subject not multiple ones. This is a user forum and many of us have yet to try ccleaner browser, thus not getting an answer. That and your nondescript thread titles have made your question overlookable. Next time on a forum use descriptive titles, as titles like 'mr' and 'MeAndMine' mean nothing and spark no interest in the volunteer users here on the forum.

I'm new on here today,, As to "Mr" I was asked for title, that is my title, yes I see the error there now. As to on topic, thats a minefield here as far as I can see.. But, while in berating me, could you not have told me the answer to my question ?

As Negral has said not many of us have the CCleaner browser. (I don't have it myself).

If the Browser is cleaning itself when you close it then you will need to change the browser settings to stop it doing that. (Just as you would with any other browser).

Go to the  Security and privacy centre and change the cleaning settings to keep you history, etc.

To access the Security & Privacy Center click the CCleaner Browser icon in the top-right corner of the CCleaner Browser screen.

If you are also using the main CCleaner application then remember to also tell that not to clean the browser history, etc. when you run it.

You can find the documentation for using the browser here:

Might want to also look up Google documentation about Chrome as well. The way some of the settings are nestled inside sub-menus in a Chrome/Chromium-based browser may not be obvious where something is located, so some digging is usually required.

Also as with all browsers get into the regular habit of backing up your browser profile, simply zipping the whole browser profile folder into a single ZIP archive will suffice and will likely save you from a headache at some point - as I remember years ago some Chromium based browsers nuking my profile after updating the browser version.