Mcafee Stinger

Hi there

I just did a scan with the latest Mcafee Stinger and got 2 positives

defraggler.exe and df.exe infected with FakeAlert!fakealert-REP Virus.

Did not know what to think of it but it looks like I have it on all the machines I installed

defraggler on.

Could this be a flase positive from Stinger sine all the other scans turned up nothing.

malwarebytes, Superantispyware, RUboted,

Any Ideas or infos on that?

It's the latest Version from Stinger and the last version from defraggler.



Thanks for bringing it to the attention of the forum. It is a false positive.

Perhaps you may like to report this to them either in their forum

or via email giving full info.

You could also scan the defraggler download on virus total


I will do that and let you know if they somehow respond