mcafee firewall


I use a cracked mcafee firewalwithout the security center, i put a value to my windows registry and the firewall seems work dont use the security center because just dont have interest in using other products mcafee.just the firewall and I don't want to receive alerts that don't serve to me

the question is that I never know if the firewall that I use this being updated in the protections,but seems to work and it grants access and block as any other firewall

can I continue to use that firewall? do I have as catching another version without the security center?

I don't know if it is that the right place of the forum for that subject type

I thank if somebody answers

thank you

my version is 6.0.60 year 2004

No, we do not condone that you continue pirating software.

Not only that, but all McAfee products are pieces of crap.

hey, mcaffee was better than nothing... at least, i think it was...

Use Outpost Firewall because it is the only software firewall which really works.

I strongly disagree with those ppl who use pirated softwares. Internet is full of freewares/open sources softwares that can satisfy you without doing anything illegal

hey, mcaffee was better than nothing... at least, i think it was...

Refer to Post#5 ;)


I use a cracked mcafee firewalwithout the security center, i put a value to my windows registry and the firewall seems work dont use the security center because just dont have interest in using other products mcafee.just the firewall and I don't want to receive alerts that don't serve to me

the question is that I never know if the firewall that I use this being updated in the protections,but seems to work and it grants access and block as any other firewall

can I continue to use that firewall? do I have as catching another version without the security center?

I don't know if it is that the right place of the forum for that subject type

I thank if somebody answers

thank you

my version is 6.0.60 year 2004

As for you, welcome :) and you could strongly benefit from acquainting yourself with this site. Look through firewalls and security.

Use Outpost Firewall because it is the only software firewall which really works.

I hope you're using the Pro commercial version because the older and outdated free version isn't for WinXP.

And there are other software-based firewalls that work (Sygate 5.5, ZoneAlarm, Kerio), however I realize it can depend upon a system configuration itself as to how well a particular software-based firewall will function, or not function.

i hated mcaffee. luckily it was all legal and came with comcast. it also comes with aol.

im happy with kerio.

pirates suck.

kerio? never heard of it.

kerio? never heard of it.

It's better to educate than to ban. B)

@ neighberaaron: If you're going to use one of our suggestions and dump the hacked program you are better of than you were. ;)

Yes, it is better to educate. :D

Using pirated/cracked software is bad because of many reasons. They are illegal, so its not apprecieted talk about that on a forum like this. They often come with virus/trojans, etc. And if they dont want you to use it without you paying, then you shouldnt use it without paying, nor should you go buy it, better stay away from those corporate commercial capitalist cuckmunching conts and their crappy crooked software. :D

Also 2004 sounds like an old outdated version.

i agree right

but if its an older version, i cannot use sygate firewall so its a older version right?

i like zonealarm but the recent version ( 6 5 ) do not work in my machine all the oter versions seems to work

help me about?


They just released ZoneAlarm 6.5.714 which fixes some issues. Have you checked it?

yes and the same has ocourried

Better stay away from ZoneAlarm 6.5 for now; there are loads of problems with both the 700 and the 714 builds. Have a read in these fora (Install and General).

I had no problems on a Windows 2000 system, but all my XP installations went bad.

It's better to educate than to ban.

@ neighberaaron: If you're going to use one of our suggestions and dump the hacked program you are better of than you were.

im using hacked software? where did i say that?

And there are other software-based firewalls that work (Sygate 5.5....

Why Sygate 5.5, is there a problem with 5.6 that I've not come across yet?

Ok , i think Mcafee now don't suport cracked versions , Or they made some security soultion to prevent cracking their software , something like what Microsoft do with it's new beta products " espicially windows defender"

anyway , using cracked software is now out of date , most comapnies now use so high security for their software and always hard to crack and even if the crackers was able , u'll see unstability of the product , no support , harder to update , and alot of pain

anyway , the BEST SOFTWARE ARE ALWAYS THE FREE ONE " like sex" so just simply remove that mcafee crap and use something more used by people and have more users , like Zonealarm or Windows buildin firewall , Kerio , Comodo free firewall v2 " high recomanded" , alot of products

Ok , i think Mcafee now don't suport cracked versions , Or they made some security soultion to prevent cracking their software , something like what Microsoft do with it's new beta products " espicially windows defender"

anyway , using cracked software is now out of date , most comapnies now use so high security for their software and always hard to crack and even if the crackers was able , u'll see unstability of the product , no support , harder to update , and alot of pain

anyway , the BEST SOFTWARE ARE ALWAYS THE FREE ONE " like sex" so just simply remove that mcafee crap and use something more used by people and have more users , like Zonealarm or Windows buildin firewall , Kerio , Comodo free firewall v2 " high recomanded" , alot of products