Ok , i think Mcafee now don't suport cracked versions , Or they made some security soultion to prevent cracking their software , something like what Microsoft do with it's new beta products " espicially windows defender"
anyway , using cracked software is now out of date , most comapnies now use so high security for their software and always hard to crack and even if the crackers was able , u'll see unstability of the product , no support , harder to update , and alot of pain
anyway , the BEST SOFTWARE ARE ALWAYS THE FREE ONE " like sex" so just simply remove that mcafee crap and use something more used by people and have more users , like Zonealarm or Windows buildin firewall , Kerio , Comodo free firewall v2 " high recomanded" , alot of products
Ok , i think Mcafee now don't suport cracked versions , Or they made some security soultion to prevent cracking their software , something like what Microsoft do with it's new beta products " espicially windows defender"
anyway , using cracked software is now out of date , most comapnies now use so high security for their software and always hard to crack and even if the crackers was able , u'll see unstability of the product , no support , harder to update , and alot of pain
anyway , the BEST SOFTWARE ARE ALWAYS THE FREE ONE " like sex" so just simply remove that mcafee crap and use something more used by people and have more users , like Zonealarm or Windows buildin firewall , Kerio , Comodo free firewall v2 " high recomanded" , alot of products