McAfee + Ccleaner

When downloading the update McAfee instantly removes the update due to a virus. Even when virus detection and firwall are put on off. Whoi knows a solution?

It will be blocking it as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Programme) rather than a virus. This will be because of the Avast/Chrome offer included in the download of the 'standard' installer.

You could make the CCleaner downloads an exception in McAffee.

Or you could visit the CCleaner 'builds' page and download either the 'Slim' installer which doesn't contain the offer, or the 'Portable' version which is a zip file and doesn't have an installer.

(Most regulars here use the Slim or Portable to avoid any chance of getting an unwanted Avast install).

impossible to do that. Have tried all the options, every option directly shows "ccleaner setup is removed, contains a possible virus". Have put protection and firewall on off, but tht does not help.

So what can I do?

Are you saying the same thing happens when you try to install the Slim Build from here ? (It's the last option on the page.)

4 hours ago, Dutchee said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		 "ccleaner setup is removed, contains a possible virus".

I'm interested in that message, the standard installer is called "ccsetup555.exe" not "ccleaner setup".

Could you give us a screenshot of the actual message?

Where are you trying to get the download from?

I can currently find at least 2 supposedly CCleaner downloads that are blocked by my malwarbytes browser extension, - because they are not CCleaner but something else pretending to be CCleaner. (Probably something malicious).

Here's just one of them that was blocked when I attempted to download it a minute ago:


Of course the genuine CCleaner, downloaded from Piriform (or Filehippo) does not get blocked.

Ccleaner is telling me that there is an updat, so I follow the standard procedure and try to get the update from Piriform. McAfee is immediately saying that it is having a virus and is cancelled.

It does sound like it's another False Positive in McAfee.

FP's happen and the problem stops when the anti virus definitions get updated.

As said above, to get round most FP's don't use the 'standard procedure'.

Go to the builds page that both myself and Hazelnut gave you a link to and download the 'Slim' installer from there. (It's the bottom one of the 3 options).

You will actually get the new version 5.56 which has only just been released today.

I've just checked it on virustotal and it's perfectly clean, even McAfee says so.

If you are still having problems then try manually updating your McAfee to the latest definitions (They update them daily).

11 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I'm interested in that message, the standard installer is called "ccsetup555.exe" not "ccleaner setup".

Maybe it's from the text that's shown during setup in the title bar which is:

CCleaner v#.## Setup

Answer is great. Ccleaner came today with an update and that one has been accepted by McAfee.

Good to hear it's sorted out for you.

It's not clear whether it's because of the new version, or because McAfee updated their definitions, or both. But as long as it worked that's what matters.