May Desktops

Usual rules, thumbnails only and no ImageShack.



Happy friday :)

My head asplode.

Ubuntu 12.04 desktop


Captured w/ printscreen & saved using Gimp editor.

Ubuntu is pretty intuitive . . . err, welll, "window-ish" :-)

I think that you can just auto-save screenshots without a utility with ubuntu, but I don't recall how. I thought it was just print screen. Maybe it's a setting.

Used Gimp to convert to .jpeg format. Don't remember what the default format was. Been about 9 hours, who could remember? :P


your desktop is only half-way there.

it seems to be missing a few Boeing 747's and contrails.... :)

I think that you can just auto-save screenshots without a utility with ubuntu, but I don't recall how. I thought it was just print screen. Maybe it's a setting.

You're right. I pressed the printscreen key and a popup offered to save it. I had to copy it off to to USB HDD so converted it.

@ mta, I wonder if those birds spotted the photographer right below them. :lol:

Friendly Androids


Welcome back ishan! Nice mosaic

Looks like you are looking through a kaleidoscope.

Hi Ishan :)

Hi, Ishan. Nice one. :)

Welcome back ishan! Nice mosaic

Looks like you are looking through a kaleidoscope.

Hi Ishan :)

Hi, Ishan. Nice one. :)

Why thanks Rob, Hazel and Login! Just got a new 22" monitor (a new desktop, actually) and I was just browsing Piriform and thought "why not?" I've been so busy with college lately! Good day to ya'll.

Back from beyond the IP Tables? or TOR?

My XP desktop
