Maxthon cloud

Good Morning,

appologize for my bad English.

Why you d'nt support cleaning Maxthon cloud in Ccleaner ? <> 400.000.000 download

You have Firefox, IE 8 9 10 11 (?) , Chrome ?

I'am a fan for Ccleaner, but I d'nt see more and more changes.

Thank for your support.

I guess the more people who put forward a request, the more likely you'll see it included in a future release.

Having only read a few articles, ages ago, I thought it was based on the IE engine and was some sort of 'portable' install, but I could be mistaken.

But to get Maxthon Cloud cleaned, have you investigated the winapp2.ini file?

side note: according to the latest figures at, Maxthon doesn't get a mention. I guess the number of downloads doesn't relate to the number of new users.

I'm CCleaner user for long time and it's awesome! Just one thing I miss and it's support for Maxthon.

Please add support for Maxthon, it's very nice browser and much better than Chrome and Firefox (I mean for speed and other things). It's Chromium engine based.

I mostly miss cookies manager. I always have to delete all cookies and not to keep some like in other browsers.

Please think about Maxthon. :)


If it is chromium based as you say you should be able to add it as a custom chrome location for now

Thanks for suggestion. How to do that? :)

Does it mean to copy Maxthon user data to this location:

  • Chromium: C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default

I don't think it's possible, Maxthon really use Chromium and IE engine (user's choice) but have other structure of data and files or how to say. It's not like Opera.

I love this browser. I don't like that CCleaner doesn't clean temporaty files in Maxthon Cloud Browser. But in browser there is a function in right top angle an icon to clean tamporary data. You can choose the flag to clean data after closing Maxthon Cloud Browser.7af533192f2c.png