A quick test by PC World shows that many antivirus programs fail to catch today's nasty Storm Worm variant.
A huge virus surge of a new Storm Worm variant is flooding e-mail inboxes and evading many antivirus programs. In my tests of 31 programs, only four reported a virus.
At 2:30 p.m. I uploaded the attachment to Virustotal.com, which uses many different antivirus programs to scan uploads. Of 31 programs, only 4--ClamAV, eSafe, Kaspersky, and Symantec--reported a virus.
I never get fun emails like this.
I never get fun emails like this.
Warm and fuzzy feeling from hearing my Kaspersky software is present there.
it says Symantec reported it, I wonder if Norton did as well, haha, that would be too perfect if it did not
it says Symantec reported it, I wonder if Norton did as well, haha, that would be too perfect if it did not
Norton better have reported it... I HAVE NORTON!! lol
it says Symantec reported it, I wonder if Norton did as well, haha, that would be too perfect if it did not
Huh? Symantec makes Norton!
Huh? Symantec makes Norton!
"Symantec" the company reported its (the viruses) existance, but does "norton" the program?