
I'm sure Marmite won't object to me letting you guys know that I've just heard from him, and he's obviously been snowed under with stuff.

It was good to hear from him, and it would be wrong of me not to mention this as I know a lot of you guys were wondering.

It brought a smile to my face.


Woo Hoo thanks for the update :D

Good news. :D

I even saw Capman.

I even saw Capman.

He made a cameo in the ccleaner section!

I've missed Marmite. Glad to find out he's alright!

Looking forward to hearing from him again when things are not so hectic in his life.

This came to mind.

Though seriously, nice to know he's doing fine. :)

What I really want to know is what happened to him why he was gone for a few months. Anyways, good to hear that he's alright, apparently.