there needs to be an option for each sub-forum to “mark all read,” mark all topics/posts as being read.
AFAIK the admin can’t add one - because it is baked into the hosting software, which is now “Discourse”.
(It’s more of a discussion based software rather than a traditional forum software).
How many posts a user reads, or how many of their posts are read by others, affects that members rating and so posting status and permissions.
In other words it tries to encourage/reward more active users above infrequent ones.
If a member doesn’t ‘interact’ then they may even find their permissions cut.
From the Discourse help:
If I can find anything more or another way to do it then I’ll let everyone know.
Back on my Laptop (rather than my phone) I have noticed this when viewing New Topics:
Setting that ‘New Topics’ page as a bookmark, or in your Hamburger menu, should be one way of only seeing new topics, and dismissing any that you don’t want to read without actually marking them as being read.
For example I have set up a couple of shortcuts on my Hamburger menu for the ‘New Topics’ and ‘Unread Topics’ pages.
NOTE - I am assuming that this works the same for everyone, but you may need to be at a higher Trust Level / Usergroup than ‘New’ or ‘Basic’ to customise it like this.
@redwolfe_98 you are currently at a ‘Basic’ userlevel, could you help here and let me know if you can do this customisation at Basic level?
(If not then we can put you up a level and try again).
First set up a custom area for your own quick links.
(I’ve called mine ‘My Quick LInks’ but call it whatever you like):

You can add more shortcut links as you set it up there, or add/remove them later as you like by using the edit pencil

Scroll down to see the ‘Add another link’.