Many clones of dummies / Много клонов чайников

Forgive me in advance for broken English and not hidden screen. I have no idea what the hell is going on with this program. It is taken out of autoload, but every time I watch another batch of CCleaner64.ехе process. At first there were 1-3 of them, but now I'm just tired of stopping them in my task manager. Here is a screenshot of where there are 35 such processes and more; now it is simply unbearable! Tell me what to do with them, I use this program only as a last resort, but this is really very annoying.

Простите меня заранее за ломанный английский и не спрятанный скрин. Я понятия не имею что чёрт возьми происходит с этой программой. Она вынесена из автозагрузки, но каждый раз я наблюдаю очередную порцию CCleaner64.ехе процесса. Поначалу их было 1-3, но сейчас я уже попросту устал останавливать их в своём диспетчере задач. Вот скриншот, где таких процессов имеется 35 и более, теперь это просто невыносимо! Расскажите мне что с ними делать, я пользуюсь этой программой только в крайнем случае, но это правда сильно напрягает.


Well, well, no one cares

Actually in our staff only area I left a link to this topic of yours the same day you posted it so that the admins know about it. Someone else also reported it in the previous version last month located here, however yours shows proof with the screenshot.

8 hours ago, Mozetronick said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Well, well, no one cares

We do care.

It's getting Piriform/Avast to care that seems to be the problem.

6 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#353c41;font-size:14px;">last month<span> </span></span><a href="<___base_url___>/topic/53479-ccleaner64-wont-go-away/" rel="" style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#4588c5;font-size:14px;">located here</a>

This month is current, and I met an error where earlier than these 10, because installed the program version 5.44 as of 08/05/2018 (d / m / y) and never started again in the future, there were no updates.

Этот месяц текущий, а ошибку я встречал куда ранее этих 10, т.к. установил программу версии 5.44 ещё в 05.08.2018 (d/m/y) и больше никогда не запускал в дальнейшем, обновлений не происходило.

3 hours ago, hazelnut said:
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If the first is your program, then the second is an antivirus that I have never used. I checked all the program files with VirusTotal and none of them aroused suspicion. After that I made a conclusion to put the topic of the error that occurred, because for me it does not look normal.

Если первое, это ваша программа, то второе антивирус, которым я никогда не пользовался. Я проверил все файлы программы с помощью VirusTotal и ни один из них не вызвал подозрений. После этого я сделал вывод ставить тему о случившейся ошибке, потому что для меня это выглядит не нормально.

1 hour ago, Mozetronick said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		If the first is your program, then the second is an antivirus that I have never used. .

Avast now own Piriform, they bought it in July 2017.

You are not the only person with this problem, but it will need the programmers at Piriform/Avast to work out what is going on and fix it.

Can anyone experiencing this issue shed some light on usage or how this issue occurs:

  • Does it happen every time you run CCleaner?
  • How long does the application have to be open before it starts duplicating processes?
  • What are you running/using in CCleaner?
  • What OS and CC version are you using?
  • Do you have Smart Cleaning active?


12 hours ago, Ben Piriform said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Can anyone experiencing this issue shed some light on usage or how this issue occurs

Okay, I will try to chew all the above information if you have not yet managed to sift it.

  • Does it happen every time you run CCleaner? - No, it is turned off and even disabled from startup, but the process still appears
  • How long does the application have to be open before it starts duplicating processes? - One day totally disabled app is enough to get 3-6 processes that are superimposed on the previous days of restarting the computer or smtg like this
  • What are you running/using in CCleaner? - I don’t use at all since the first installation dated 08/05/2018 (d / m / y)
  • What OS and CC version are you using? - I am using the latest version of Windows 10 Pro / CCleanier program version 5.44
  • Do you have Smart Cleaning active? - I have no idea what it is, I do not use it

Once again. I have no idea how with the application completely shut down and cleaned up from the autoload and the registry (no matter how canonically it sounded from the cleaning program), it manages to start its copies with the start of the system without any extra services. Hope this helps your investigation.

On 3/9/2019 at 16:01, Mozetronick said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
	<p style="font-size:14px;line-height:22.4px;">
		Well, well, no one cares

i have encountered this same exact issue. for the past couple of weeks. i rolled back to 5.44.6575, same issue. i totally removed the program and ini fines using revo uninstaller too. nothing left and thought i cleared out the registry and all lingering ini files too. but same thing. this happens after start up, never once used it, opened it once to disable all the things and still after next reboot i have 5 individual processes, one is /monitor. i disabled that. it is showing memory use, minimal but is up to something according to task manager and task manager x64 and system explorer freeware. am not sure what to do to control ccleaner. I have been using it for as long as i can remember in windows which is 2005 after switching from mac

Hello again. Your program as an annoying autistic squared asks everything to follow him. This time I counted all 48 processes with the startup disabled during the entire untouchable time to the program itself. It started in the range from 996 to 21892 id processes, given the fact that it was excluded from startup a month before my first appeal on February 12th. So there is still a clear answer "what is it" if not spam processes?

И снова здравствуйте. Ваша программа как назойливый аутист в квадрате всё просит следить за ним. На этот раз я насчитал все 48 процессов при выключенной автозагрузке в течении всего неприкасаемого времени к самой программе. Он запускался в диапазоне с 996 до 21892 ид процессов, учитывая тот факт, что из автозагрузки он был исключён за месяц до первого моего обращения 12 Февраля. Так есть всё же внятный ответ "что это" как не спам процессами?




@Mozetronick: Are you still using CCleaner version 5.44? If so, you are going to have a number of issues:

  • CCleaner 5.44 is 17 versions out of date now, with out of date cleaning rules, and is probably not cleaning everything properly any more.
  • Also it is not recommended to run any version of CCleaner prior to 5.46 on Windows 10 due to changes Microsoft made a while back that started putting important files into what had previously been a junk directory.
  • Microsoft has started to disable some older versions of CCleaner (up to 5.34) on Windows 10 and is expected to extend this up to 5.45 at some point this year, having now given users over a year to update themselves to a safe version.
  • With regards to the specific issue that you raise, those multiple processes look like the update service failing, which was a known issue specific to Version 5.44.

The solution to your problem (and a few others) would be to update your CCleaner to the latest version (currently 5.61). You can download it free from here

11 hours ago, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		The solution to your problem (and a few others) would be to update your CCleaner to the latest version (currently 5.61).

Updating would make it go away huh? Well in that case, I wonder what this user means;

On 22/03/2019 at 13:51, johnniedoo said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		i have encountered this same exact issue. for the past couple of weeks. i rolled back to 5.44.6575, same issue.

So that person who was also experiencing this bug, said that he rolled back to the old version, hoping that it would go away.

That probably means he was previously using a more recent version. Experiencing the same bug..

So let's wait for @johnniedoo to clarify (although i doubt he's still active here) or hear if someone else is having this problem on newer versions as well.