I am bit disappointed to settings of cc-cleaner professional in windows10.
There is settings to updates automatic or manual.
Without clicking this check updates link, down right corner, cc-cleaner offers new update. This means program works in background ways that are not allowed in
settings. In settings, this is put to manual check for updates only. There i have put nothing to automatically work in background.
Only browser i use most, that is clean automatically after closing.
I see this as major bug, if this type settings not work as they say. Good updates are offered but user should be able to trust in settings so program not do malware type actions,
My interpretation of it is it's probably like that so you'll know when a new version is available that you can then:
Manually download, virus scan, and then install on your own. That way it will still be respecting that you don't want a new version to magically appear on your system without your consent.
Then again it's all up to individual interpretations.
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Thanks for picking this up, I have raised it as a bug for our developers to look into. I will let you know once it has been fixed
January - now month 4, at least 5 times cc cleaner new update came, without asking, to middle of screen?
i have all time had manual setting to updates, so , well.. i know there promised let me know when fixed, but sounds weird this many new cc -cleaner updates,
and still manual settings not fixed? People not want to slow down their internet connection, this is reason why these unwanted web traffic should not happen.
I actually prefer manually like to update check most of my programs.
This update offer though only comes when i open cc-cleaner program, which better than if it would appear to above all other, like when watch movie or do some work.
..and worse of it all, when i have paid for this program, it should be better than free version. Of course updating is way better in paid version, more slow