It normally comes with a 14 day trial built in, so if you've not installed the latest version yet (v4.#) then you could use that 14 days and then enter the 3 month key to give you even longer.
Simply enter your name and email address on this offer page to get your Free activation key for 3 months trial usage:
The trial activation key is valid for Windows, Mac, or Android versions of Malwarebytes.
EDIT- this giveaway is currently only planned to run for this month, February, see the post below.
So if you want a 3-month trial key then fill in the form now.
(Once you have the key you can register it later).
After the 3-month trial ends Malwarbytes will revert to the 'Scan only' version, which is always handy to have but doesn't include real time protection.
If you want to keep the real time protection after the trial you will need to purchase a regular activation key.
Note2- If you already an anti-virus, other than Windows Defender, installed you may need to set up some exclusions in the AV so that they will both run happily side-by-side. (Yes Malwarbytes can be run alongside an Anti- Virus, it works differently to 'regular' AVs). See here if you find you need to do that:
I also only use the free On Demand Scan version of MB4 on the desktop and run it once a week. (Even though I have a complimentary key, and now a 3-month trial key).
However I do use MB Anti-Exploit beta real time, it's a stand-alone testbed for the exploit protection module in the main programme now.
I also have Malwabytes Browser Guard for Firefox, which is realtime. (Also available for Crome/Chromium browsers, including the new EDGE).
As well as Windows Defender of course.
As a bonus all of those are free.
Not much will get past that combination so running MB4 real time as well would be a bit of overkill.
Browser Guard can sometimes be a bit keen with FP's, but they are easy to override and getting a lot less as it matures.
Note that this Malwarebytes 3-months trial key givaway is planned to end at the end of this month, if you want a trial key then get it now.
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<strong>The plan has been to let it run through February</strong>, but with the ability to turn it off on the team discretion. So far we see a large volume of legit requests, which is great! But that also means that <strong>we send back the licenses per batch so you might need to wait a little bit to receive the email</strong>. But don't worry, you will receive it.
The change log states they made some GUI corrections but it still isn't usable for me at all because in order for the GUI to be visible and fully on screen I have to scale the display too small and the font is so small it's too difficult to see. Looks like I won't ever get past v2.2.1.
I don't know why they're having such issues making a proper GUI (hell even v3.x had GUI issues with messed up scaling on Win10) that can be re-sized, and with a scrollbar to see what would normally run off-screen -- same goes for Samsung Magician v6 (which I've uninstalled) and a host of other programs that really aren't very usable or re-sizable on a 15 inch or smaller laptop.
Back in the WinXP days there wasn't much of any scaling issues that I can remember, nowadays it's more like cross your fingers and toes that a new program version doesn't go the unusable GUI route for some users.