Major IE 7 Beta Issue

Hello, I installed IE 7 Beta 3 and CCleaner messed up. I can't access the Internet with IE 7 and that makes me mad. Also, CCleaner is a real pain in the arse when something IE and CCleaner related comes out. I can access the Internet with Firefox and Opera but not IE. I use IE for like Updates and stuff. :lol: Anyone knows anything about whats going on? Also, I can't uninstall IE 7 Beta 3 either.

For starters, CCleaner has not been compatible with any of the IE7 Betas thus far. This has been a known issue for months now. Also, IE7 Beta3 was just released and CCleaner is most definitely not updated to even attempt to be compatible. You should ALWAYS make backups before using Beta software. ;)

Why can't you uninstall IE7 Beta3? Did you have the Hotfix Uninstaller checked in CCleaner? That's the only reason that I can think of that would make it not possible to uninstall it. <_<

he also could have deleted the uninstaller using ccleaner or just manually deleting it. look in the folder for a file called uninstall or something of the such. if you cant find one, re-install it, then you should be able to remove it.

he also could have deleted the uninstaller using ccleaner or just manually deleting it. look in the folder for a file called uninstall or something of the such. if you cant find one, re-install it, then you should be able to remove it.

Also, when you went into add/remove did you make sure the box at the top next to Show updates was ticked? You should then be able to find IE7 listed. If it isn't listed, then it might help to re-install it, but that didn't work with Beta2. It might work with Beta3...I don't know.

If your uninstaller is in fact removed (and CC will remove it if you have "hotfix uninstallers" checked), and re-installing it doesn't work. Someone will need to upload the uninstaller file for you, as someone did for the IE7 Beta2 users.

Good Luck! Tell us what happens and what you need. :)

EDIT: Okay, I just found this: "Updating or Reinstalling Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3

You cannot install Internet Explorer 7 over itself. If you want to reinstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 (or install a newer version) you must first remove any existing Internet Explorer 7 versions. "

So that won't be an option. If IE7 does not appear in Add/Remove programs then someone definitely will need to upload the uninstaller for you.

MS IE7 Beta 3 Release Notes

Hello, I installed IE 7 Beta 3 and CCleaner messed up. I can't access the Internet with IE 7 and that makes me mad.

Read the release notes. That is an expected problem, and the solution is listed. ;)

Oh, my. The more I read about this the worse it gets. :(

"Please note that this build is intended for technical enthusiasts. Be aware that *I* expect you to be ready, willing and able to reformat your system if things go wrong - therefore, if you come to the groups and say "IE7 killed my machine but I have no backup and can't reformat, I hate Microsoft" you won't be getting much in the way of sympathy from me ;o)

This upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 focuses primarily on bug and compatibility issues and is currently available in English for XP SP2, x64 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 on June 26, 2006. Other languages are to come soon (German, Japanese, Finnish & Arabic).

Uninstallation instructions - these are quite different to what has gone before.

IE7 Beta 3 creates this directory:


In that directory is an spuninst folder. Inside that folder is spuninst.exe as well as a very interesting document called spuninst.txt which details exactly what will be deleted and replaced with older copies during uninstall of IE7 Beta 3.

Now, in the past some have offered their own copies of the uninstall directory when others have foolishly deleted their own copies, or third party software has done it for them. But be warned, there is more to removing IE7 Beta 3 than just that directory. A directory called C:\WINDOWS\$hf_mig$ is also edited/created during the installation of IE7 Beta 3, and it is full of various security update folders. The potential for damage if you take somebody else's C:\Windowsie7beta3 and install it on your own system to remove the beta is incalculable. On my system $NtUninstallKB915865$ and $NtUninstallKB904942$ were also created/updated."

From reading this, it is my understanding that you can't use someone else's Uninstaller to remove your own? Am I reading this right? Also, a repair installation won't fix the issue either. You might be out of luck dude.

There is one more option besides formatting. Do you have any System Restore points from before installing IE7 Beta 3? If that doesn't work, then the ONLY option is formatting.

Good Luck! (I feel like I'm talking to myself now. :P )

There is one more option besides formatting. Do you have any System Restore points from before installing IE7 Beta 3? If that doesn't work, then the ONLY option is formatting.

Good Luck! (I feel like I'm talking to myself now. :P )

System Restore never worked. I can access the Internet with IE and Opera again. :lol: Hijack this came to the rescue. :D

System Restore never worked. I can access the Internet with IE and Opera again. :lol: Hijack this came to the rescue. :D

So do you still have your unistaller or not?

So do you still have your unistaller or not?

I don't see it.

1. Restore your system using a System Restore Point which was created before the IE7 Beta install.

2. Get into the habit of tracking each and every installation no matter how trustworthy it is using Total Uninstall 2.35 (Last Freeware Version). If you do this even broken uninstall.exe files won't be of concern because you'd instead use Total Uninstall to remove the whole program.

Good advice Andavari. I also PMd MrG and asked him if he could make CCleaner ignore the IE7 Beta 3 Uninstaller in the next release. Mainly because we won't be able to help people when they lose it. I have a feeling that this could snowball quickly.

I really wish that PC users would be more responsible when using beta software. A responsible beta user should backup their whole PC before installation, make a new System Restore Point before installation, and put a copy of the uninstaller on CD, or something of that nature.

MrG rocks! :) The new CCleaner will be released in a week and it will ignore the IE7Beta Uninstaller folders.

Thanks MrG :D

I would think so, it's better to remove something for safety reasons especially when the app doesn't have a warning about using the Hotfix Uninstaller with Microsoft beta software installed.

Thanks Andavari for the link to Total Uninstall and Krit for the IE7 Beta 3 info.

Very helpful!
