Just installed MarcoMedia Flash Player from their site, it said version 7.0.19 and when I run CCleaner and look in applications, it does not show up anywhere so I can check it to be cleaned. Is this normal? How do I make it show up?
Same here, I had a look in the registry and there are no flash entries yet I when I visit the Macromedia site everything loads fine, no you do not have flash installed etc.
Same here, I had a look in the registry and there are no flash entries yet I when I visit the Macromedia site everything loads fine, no you do not have flash installed etc.
On the hard disk it'll be here, this is the location it stores stuff you've viewed from flash enabled websites:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Your Profile Name\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player"
Note: In CCleaner's winapp.ini file it already detects this stuff, the only way for it to clean Flash is if you actually visit a Flash enabled website that puts stuff in:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Your Profile Name\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player"
Of course if the stuff in the Macromedia\Flash Player folder isn't getting removed you can always add it to CCleaners Custom Folders option.
I just did a search in my registry and every where I searched for MacroMedia, I found "flashpaper" & not "flashplayer" looks to me as if they are trying to hide from you. I don't know, I am not a programer, but it looks odd. What I have installed I installed directly from MacroMedia's site.
I know where the registry entries should be as well as the file(s) CCleaner should clean but can some explain to me how is Flash fully working without the registry entire?
For Internet Explorer it'll be easy to detect from:
It is there where you said it would be, but CCleaner still does not show it in the "Applications tab". I think Macromedia is trying to hide.(See my previous reply)
I don't know what it's trying to do, however I did have to add the application data folder where it puts its junk into the CCleaner Custom Folders in order for the junk to get deleted.
I don't know what it's trying to do, however I did have to add the application data folder where it puts its junk into the CCleaner Custom Folders in order for the junk to get deleted.
"C:\Documents and Settings\Your Profile Name\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player"
Of course this is where it stores stuff from Mozilla, and Opera. I don't use Internet Explorer so I'm not sure if IE's stuff will go there or in the Temporary Internet Files.
"C:\Documents and Settings\Your Profile Name\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player"
Of course this is where it stores stuff from Mozilla, and Opera. I don't use Internet Explorer so I'm not sure if IE's stuff will go there or in the Temporary Internet Files.
Thanks, but with IE I find some folders in Macromedia, but there are about 6 and I don't know which one's to add. I guess the easy thing would be to delete "FlashPlayer"