Macrium Reflect

Has anyone upgraded to the new Version 5?

At the moment I gather it's unclear if there is a free version of version 5.

Anyone heard anything about it?

The current free edition is 4.2.3775, upon updating to that version it shows an advert in the program to buy version 5. My thoughts are it's possibly the last free edition, however I'll have to wait and see.

Posted on Macrium forum today :-

A free version of Version 5 will be available in the coming months.

I have been a Beta tester for a few weeks and am very happy with it.

Updates had been frequent but stopped happening last week, so I guess everything we could find is fixed.

Thanks for that heads-up Alan.

Macrium product information is at

Macrium user forum is at

To post queries you must register as a customer which involves a purchase,

but you may find your question already posteded and answered.

There is a 30 day free trial v5 available from

It starts as a 468 KB download, but there is more to follow ! !

As with v4 you can create a Linux Boot CD, but with v5 there is also the option of WinPE.

A forum moderator has explained :-

A license from Microsoft is required to distribute any version of Windows PE. Macrium Reflect includes a pre-built WIM that cannot be distrinuted for free. Merlin is correct that by downloading the WAIK the distribution is controlled by MS not Macrium. However, this is a 1.7GB download and, until v5 of Macrium Reflect, involved a great deal of technical knowledge to create a working rescue CD. v5 automates this process.

As I said, 1.7 GB is more than the 468 KB pre-loader.

It may be a bonus for some people to watch Macrium in action as it automatically extracts WinPE from "MS Windows Automated Installation kit (WAIK)"


I vaguely recall that when I plugged in a Web Cam then Windows said it needed a driver and offered to get me one.

I said "Go Fetch"

It not only got me the drivers, there was Windows Live messenger or some such,

and of course Bing and other stuff.

I was happy to let it all happen because I had a Macrium image to cancel out everything that was done.

You should consider creating a Macrium image of your system BEFORE you launch the WinPE creation.

I do not know what M.S. may choose to give you when you get the 1.7 GB W.A.I.K.,

nor how much space it will take when installed.