MAC CCleaner Install 'Damaged'?

When trying to install the latest version of CCleaner for MAC, I get an error message stating the app is damaged and it should be moved to trash. It will not complete the install. I have tried to download/re-download and install the file over the course of several days, with the same result. Any ideas?

What version of OS are you using and where are you getting the CCleaner install from?

I downloaded from and I'm runing MacOS Catalina 10.15.6. To anticipate a follow-on quesiton - the last time I attempted a downlaod and install was right before I posted this reply. I've attached a screenshot of the error being received.

Screen Shot 2020-08-21 at 10.45.07 PM.jpg

Apparently that error is quite common with Mac's, and fairly easily fixed:

Thanks, nukecad... That worked, but FWIW, the referred article is very poorly written and is most certainly not written for novice or semi-novice users.

Yes, sorry about that.

It was one of the first that I dropped on, and TBH the others I read were even worse.

At least it worked for you which is always good news.

No worries - I am impressed you were able to even find the article. I did quite a bit of searching on my own and I got no hits on my particular issue at all. So, as you said, at least it worked... Odd error, regardless. Thanks again!

For others who come across this post, you need to:

1) Open terminal

2) Sudo in as your current user - assuming you have admin rights ( 'sudo <username>', then enter your password). 

3) If you are working specifically with the CCleaner app,  run the command '<span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#cc0000;font-size:15px;">xattr -d -r /Applications/'  </span>(This should delete (-d) the atribute recursively (-r) from the file specified - and in all actuality, unless you are doing this on an enitre folder rather than an individual file. the -r may not be required, but it doesn't hurt.)

22 minutes ago, Dechief4 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		No worries - I am impressed you were able to even find the article.   I did quite a bit of searching on my own and I got no hits on my particular issue at all. 

May be preaching to those who already know but - When searching for something like that then try putting your search string in double quotes, eg:

“is damaged and can’t be opened”

will get more focused results than:

is damaged and can’t be opened